Big Shoulders At Home Workout For Men Over 50 (LIGHT WEIGHT, BIG SHOULDERS!)
My Gluten Story I grew up on the typical children’s American diet of Mac & cheese, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup and whatever latest Kellogg’s healthy…

12 Minute At Home Follow Along Fat Burning Workout (TRY THIS!)
What About Water Intake For Fitness? I have written about supplements and foods you should eat, and proteins but I am now going to touch on water. It is very…

At Home Bodyweight Workout For Men Over 50 (10 MINUTE WORKOUT!)
Consult a Reputed Acupuncture and Nutrition Clinic Prior to contacting the acupuncture and nutrition clinic, you should have a basic idea about what benefits and services to expect. The best…

Fat Shredding At Home Cardio For Men Over 50 (BURN FAT AT HOME!)
Re-Think Sugary Drink There is no longer any debate regarding the danger, yes danger, of sugary drinks or ‘soft drinks’ as they are commonly known in New Zealand. These drinks…

Best Tips And Exercises To Lose Weight At Home (MUCH NEEDED TIPS!)
My Health and Living: The Curse of Artificial Sweeteners Everyone says get off the sugar, as it is not good for you, and trade it with an alternative. What they…

Sleeve Splitting Triceps For Men Over 50 (BIG ARMS AT HOME!)
A Super Star Food Finally Gets Its Due Quinoa is a super star plant food that very few people have even heard about. It’s high in fiber, vitamins and minerals….

Best Workout Routine At Home For Men Over 40 (TRY THESE WORKOUTS!)
The Low Carb Diet – How to Use Fat to Get Lean The main difference between carbs and fat is that carbs spike insulin get used up rather quickly. Fat…

Chest Workout At Home (NO BENCH NEEDED!)
THIS Shouldn’t Be in My Food! Unfortunately, the situation is all-too-familiar. You’re at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal, when suddenly a long piece of hair sticks out of your…

At Home Back Workout For Men Over 50 (DUMBBELLS ONLY!)
Fish Oil Supplements Cause Prostate Cancer?! Here’s The REAL Story If you are keeping up with the current news, you may be aware that an article came out recently that…

How To Grow Big Calves From Home (TRY THIS WORKOUT)
Water And Its Health Benefits Water is very essential to our health. The body needs water to function properly. Adequate consumption of water everyday plays an important role in our…