ACTIVE REST DAY! | Fitness Over 60

Vitamins – Do We Need Them?

It was about a century ago that scientists discovered the vital food substance we know now as vitamins and minerals that were able to control diseases and help us maintain good health. For example, a calcium deficiency could bring about osteoporosis. They also observed that a lack of iron could cause anemia. They noticed a low folic acid intake could cause birth defects.

What the Healthy Diet Claims on Packaged Food Really Mean

If you have been to the grocery store lately – which I am going guess most of us have – you will have noticed all kinds of health claims printed on packaged food items that are trying to convince you why the product is great for you, and what kind of value it adds to your healthy diet. When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, there are definitely some claims that we should all be wary of.

What Can I Eat For Energy?

Have you often felt that your energy levels start to dip as the day wears on and you need to turn to that favorite cup of coffee just to get you through the evening? Read on to find out more about how you can get more energy from the foods you eat.

A Healthy and Balanced Diet Promotes Healthy Living

Healthy diet helps to improve or maintain good health. All essential nutrients and water consumed in appropriate quantities form a healthy diet. Healthy diet reduces the chronic health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer.

Nutrigenomics: Controlling Our Genes With Nutrition

Nutrigenomics is the study of how gene expression can be affected by food compounds: nutrients and chemicals. Read more about how we can control our destiny with diet and how we can create a better future for ourselves despite our genetic predispositions. FIVE TOP TIPS for improving gene expression.

Losing Post Pregnancy Weight

Medical experts restrict on certain physical strain immediately after delivery. Especially, if you have had a caesarean delivery. But, long walks with your baby in a stroller are the best workout and bonding session at this phase in life.

Peanut Butter Vs Almond Butter

Take the guesswork out of choosing which nut butter to use. The answer is clear, check it out.

Start Drinking Water Now!

Water is the most essential and abundant substance in the body. How do you get dehydrated? How do you know if you are dehydrated? How much water should I consume daily? Learn a few simple and fun tips to stay hydrated.

3 Ways to Get Essential Vitamins

Take a daily multivitamin. Stock up on vitamin D. Eat a healthy diet.

Anti-Aging and Nutrition

Here’s how to slow down aging from the inside… beginning at the cellular level. Supporting cellular health not only slows the aging process, but also protects against and even reverses chronic and degenerative disease. One of the main components to reversing illness is cell methylation.

Will The Paleo Diet Complement Your Modern Lifestyle?

Curious about the Paleo diet? Find out if this is the ideal diet for you and what you can expect from it.

Top Contraception Options Explained

Contraception is hardly a romantic word and it’s not something that most of us particularly enjoy to think about. Making love is of course a highly passionate and romantic act that happens ‘in the moment’ and brings two people closer together – it can feel like a dream or a Disney movie – but then talk of contraception can bring that dream crashing back down to Earth. Of course though what you need to bear in mind is that this is of course a highly necessary discussion and one that everyone should have – and if you…

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