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Health Benefits of Quinoa – How to Add More Quinoa to Your Diet

The superfood quinoa(KEEN-wah) has recently become popular in healthy restaurants and homes. Since quinoa is a vegetable seed and not a grain, it is low in carbohydrates, low in sodium, high in protein, high in antioxidants and gluten free. Lets take a look at why this seed is considered a superfood.

Taking Care of Your Gut

In our modern society where knowledge is so advanced and there have been amazing results produced by our medical system, our people still manage to develop life-threatening diseases without even knowing the cause. The saying, “death begins in the colon” has been credited to the Greek physician, Hippocrates, as far back as 460 B.C. If this is true, and there is plenty of evidence to verify the truth in this statement, then it certainly makes sense that we need to be taking care of our gut!

Are Foods a Key To Your Moods?

People often eat in response to their moods. But the reverse can also be true: What we eat, and when, can affect our moods, our thinking, our work productivity, and more. This article covers the food/mind/mood connection.

Do You Know How Much Sugar Is In Your Ketchup?

When going on a diet, the first things you are advised to cut down and watch out for are dressings and condiments. And with good reason; condiments and spices can sneak in quite a punch where your calories are concerned. Going on a diet means pushing these bottles to the back of the pantry cupboard- out of sight and out of mind, especially the ketchup.

Are You Getting Enough Choline?

Choline has been labeled a shortfall nutrient. Include a variety of choline-rich foods in your daily diet to make sure you are fueling your body for optimum performance.

Nutrition Bars: Are They Really Nutritious?

There are days when you might feel tempted to grab a quick meal and that is when, a nutrition bar will come in handy. Nutrition bars have become hugely popularly because they are easy to carry and also offer nutritional boost.

Hot Dessert Ideas: Brighten Up Your Day With Healthy And Easy Chinese Desserts

Delicious Chinese dessert soups offer healthier alternatives to the excessively sweet treats enjoyed by Americans. You may include at least two, and as many as five ingredients with flavors that complement each other in a single dessert. Rock sugar or honey is often used as as a natural sweetener in such desserts. For instance, the Asian pear dessert soup comprises of 3 ingredients, and is best taken for coughs and the flu. Besides, the apple and hawthorn berry dessert soup is good for your spleen and in spring cleaning your diet. As for the longan and edible lily bulb dessert soup,, which contains the maximum of 5 ingredients, it is a healing tonic soup for multiple health purposes. Finally, the simple lotus seed dessert soup is taken to dispel heat trapped in your body. These dessert soups can liven up an otherwise monotonous plant-based diet.

10 Ways to Add Summer Fruit to Your Diet

Living in a colder climate, I find summer to be a wonderful time of year for delicious fresh food. The cost and availability of fresh produce is limited in the winter months and now is the time to enjoy what is in season. We get a variety of nutrients from different foods and changing with the seasons can help you to have variety in taste as well as nutrition throughout the year.

Health Hazards Of Excessive Green Chillies And Sour Pickles

The issue of food sensitivity arises when hot and pickled foods become regular items on your menu. It is noted that Jamie Oliver, the celebrity chef, has a marked fondness for chillies and that he is a pickle master. However, an overdose of both such hot and sour foods had destroyed the health of a lady chef. In time to come, an excessive intake of these foods is bound to end up with frequent bouts of vomiting, which may indicate a hidden stomach ulcer. Notably, a good, experienced chef may not be a nutritionist who makes wise food choices as taste buds and nutrition are two different things.

Dining Out: Foods To Avoid With High Cholesterol, Ulcer Or Belly Fat

When dining out, it is good to order good healthy food so that it will be a good eating experience for you. For diners with high cholesterol, the foods to avoid are deep-fried foods, especially vegetables fried in thick batter. As for those prone to ulcers, it is best to avoid spicy foods like hot chilli peppers. Those with belly fat should steer clear of thick sauces and gravies and opt for gravies prepared with gluten-free flour and natural flavoring ingredients.

Anything But Bitter Health Benefits Of The Bitter Gourd

You should not be put off by the bitterness of bitter gourd; it will grow on you and you will get to like it. The bitter gourd has your best health interests at heart and is nutritious to boot. It has more beta-carotene than carrots, more calcium than spinach and more potassium than bananas. Besides, It detoxifies your body, promotes better digestive health and eyesight as well as lays an anti-diabetic foundation firmly in your life.

The Healing Power of Juices

When I look at some Web sites dealing with health, I’m amazed at how little is said about the nourishment and healing effects of freshly-made juices. As a teen-ager I was able to avoid acne and other problems because I made carrot juice and other vegetable juices on my family’s juicer. At first we had a nice Oster centrifugal juicer; later we got a Champion, which looks like a meat grinder, thoroughly masticates (chews) the vegetables, produces a rich juice, and expels the pulp.

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