A Ketogenic Diet | Tim Nassen | Anatomy of a Contest Prep

The Latest Scoop On Coffee Benefits & Risks

The article discusses the latest research findings on coffee’s effects on various diseases. Find out what the best type of coffee is and what to avoid when it comes to coffee drinking.

Is Dairy Okay? If Not, Why Not?

Many people have trouble digesting and processing dairy foods. Zeroing in on the effects they may have on you is important, and the subject of this article.

The Simple Power of Small Increments

Making changes in our food can seem like a big inconvenience. But it can actually be easy and straightforward if you make changes in small increments — in the same way that you might with workouts.

Want Convenience or Better Health?

Manufacturers are still allowed to put dangerous compounds in our food supply. Be cautious what you consume.

How Ginger Is Good For Your Health

The idea that ginger can help with some light tummy trouble isn’t new. In fact, research has linked multiple digestive benefits to ginger, specifically acting on parts of your GI tract responsible for feelings of nausea, stomach upset, and vomiting. It may also help move food from the stomach to the small intestine for digestion and absorption. That said, ginger cannot prevent food poisoning or counteract ingestion of a harmful substance, so contact your physician ASAP if something requires urgent medical attention.

How to Choose the Best Digital Body Weight Scale

If you are choosing a weight scale to measure your body there are some helpful things to keep in mind. It is simple when you know how to look for one.

3 Delicious Fruit Snacks Your Kids Will Love

Been wanting to add some nutrition to your child’s diet? Try any these delicious fruit snacks for kids – they’ll surely ask for seconds!

Digestion: More Trouble With Antacids

If you suffer from acid reflux you probably believe just suppressing acid will make everything better and resolve your problem. But you may just be masking the problem and creating a more serious one.

A Big, Fat, Deadly Lie About Produce

We’ve been trained to think of fruits and vegetables as equally healthful. But they’re not. This article looks at what’s wrong with that familiar phrase “fruits and vegetables.”

How To Overcome Brain Degeneration As You Age

Why does your brain degenerate as you age? Learn about the top five ways to control brain degeneration.

Is Drinking Juice Good For You?

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and leafy greens is recommended for better health. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and more. These sources of food are vital in helping keeping our weight down, improving our heart health, cutting down the risk of chronic diseases and generally keeping us healthy and fit.

What Is the Best Method to Extract Celery Juice?

Learn about the benefits of celery. Also, learn how to juice this tough vegetable for maximum nutrition with minimum fuss. Learn how you can improve your health by drinking celery juice.

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