Q&A: Diets

Top Strategies for a Well-Stocked Pantry

Stocking your pantry and kitchen with key food staples is the secret to getting a wholesome meal on the table each night for your family. Here’s my top strategies for a well-stocked kitchen.

The Top 6 Phytochemicals Found in Food

There’s quite a bit of buzz around phytochemicals in food. Phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients, are naturally occurring chemicals found in plants (hence the phyto-). They are the compounds that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant variety of colors, smells, and tastes. With the rainbow of vegetables you see regularly, you can imagine how many types of phytochemicals there are!

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – Is High-Heat Cooking Bad For You?

As you go on with the fight to control your Type 2 diabetes and blood sugar levels, you might be interested to know how you prepare your meat could impact your risk factor for complications. By now you probably know taking in enough protein is key to controlling your blood sugar at every meal. So you are trying hard to include a reasonable amount of meat in your meal plan. However, are you cooking it healthily? You could have also read grilling or barbequing your meat can increase the cancer-causing substances you have in your body and even eating a lot of red meat could increase your risk of developing certain cancers as well.

They Are All Wrong – Saturated Fats Can Be Good For You

For almost six decades, we have been told that saturated fats clog our arteries and cause heart disease. In 1961, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommended Americans to limit their fat intake, especially saturated fats, to reduce the risk of heart disease. To this day, the AHA still maintains the same position.

Almonds: Health Benefits and Nutritional Value

Almonds have numerous health benefits. Research has shown that this fruit increases the High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) levels and decreases the LDL-Cholesterol levels. It is a good source of B-complex vitamins and dietary fiber.

15 Power Meals: Eat Like A Pro!

Staying In Shape Doesn’t Mean You Have To Give Up The Spice In Your Life! It’s a common myth.

Is Broccoli Good for Muscle Building?

Q: Why do bodybuilders seem to eat more broccoli than any other vegetables? Are there some special constituents to it which make it a better choice?

How To Inhibit Muscle Breakdown While You Sleep?

Learn A to Zzzzzz of supplements to build muscle mass while you’re sleeping! If putting on muscle mass is your primary goal – and, really, what other goal is there?

The Good And Bad About A New Sweetener: Erythritol

So is erythritol a safe sugar substitute? Does it cause any side effects? Is it really natural? Is it good for diabetics?

Protein Power: Not Just for Muscles (Part 2 – Appetite Control)

The importance of dietary protein goes far beyond muscle building. This article looks at the effect of protein on a few key hormones that influence appetite.

Healthy Living – Make Cooking at Home Part of Your Lifestyle

Most health problems today are primarily a result of indiscretion: most illnesses are self-inflicted. Not always of course, but it is predominantly the case we are at fault, and we could have done much better. Nutrition is a big part of it. What we put into our body matters a lot more than you may think. Food is more than just fuel. However, even on that note, think about it this way. If you owned a luxury car like a Bentley or a Ferrari, would you opt for a “low-grade” fuel? You need to treat yourself as you deserve, and it is the very best.

Protein Power: It’s Not Just for Muscles (Part 1)

Protein is a significant dietary component, despite the fact that some sources claim it’s not essential. This article looks at the vital things protein does for the human body.

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