How To Lose The Belly Fat After 40 (5 KEY TIPS!)

3 Answers When Using Green Smoothies to Lose Weight

Losing weight with green smoothies is not difficult. Each glass can be used as a meal replacement and is packed with nutrition your body craves. Well answer 3 questions often asked while using green smoothies for weight loss.

Enjoy a New Twist on Water to Meet Your Fluid Needs

Water is an important essential nutrient that often gets overlooked. Find interesting ways to enhance the taste of your water to help you enjoy it and meet your needs.

Do You Want to Get Healthy Now?

Health and nutrition is vital for everyone. Here are some easy tips to start getting healthy now.

Peanut Butter: Tips to Consider

People who wish to buy peanut butter should opt for the healthiest and natural varieties. One must avoid products having trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils. Reading up on labels for ingredients is very significant.

6 Foods To Always Buy Organic

For your own peace of mind, the following six foods are ones that you don’t want to skimp to buy the conventional. More and more studies are showing that pesticides and some of the other chemicals used could be a health hazard. Some studies will actually come out and say there is a correlation between pesticides and cancer. If you have children or other loved ones, you do not want to compromise their health, even if there is only a small chance.

The 21st Century Food Chain

In the 21st century many people are highly dependent on processed and packaged convenience foods – they have forgotten how to eat “natural” food. The human body has a battle on its hands trying to survive the onslaught of bad food choices that people are subjecting themselves to on a daily basis.

Eat These 6 Foods to Lose Stomach Fat!

As a trainer and health and fitness coach, this is one the most frequently asked questions I get asked. Ultimately to get a flat stomach we have to reduce our overall body fat percentage. We all know by now abs are made in the kitchen and revealed in the gym, so let me just jump right into it, here are the 6 foods to eat daily to lose stomach fat…

Am I Really Starving Myself?

Breakfast is the most important part of your day. It’s the precursor to the start of your metabolism getting revved up and aid in your attempts to lose weight.

The Benefits and Side Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine is well known for its effects on emotional intelligence. One of the reasons that make people get hooked to caffeine is its effects on their moods. It makes them feel good and alert. Further studies have shown that caffeine improves the cognitive ability and enhances the performance of tasks. It increases the attention span and makes the memory effective. Though recent researches show that the improved performances are a result of caffeine withdrawals, the study is not conclusive. It argues that when you ingest caffeine, that is only when you act normally.

Juice Up Your Life the Healthy Way! Truths or Myths

This article examines some of the popular concepts and misconceptions about the benefits of juicing. There will be another article that further examines more truths and myths about juicing. Don’t miss it!

The Season’s Best Spring Produce for Good Health

We’ve had unpredictable and unseasonable weather in just about every region of the country throughout the season. About now we are all ready to spring forward to enjoy days with more light and the taste and textures of Spring produce. Although most can be purchased throughout the year they are flavor powerhouses in season. Mother Nature’s timing is impeccable as nutrient-rich fresh foods are abundant just in time to step-up physical activity.

The Second Step To Health Improvement – Rejuvenation of The Body Via Plants

Getting back on the health track in life is a step-by-step process. It is simple in that the steps are very comprehendable but not easy. In order for a task to be completed with great efficiency, it is essential that the blueprint provided for the project be clear and concise. If the directions are not clear one can expect a plethora of wrongdoings. After you have cleansed the body by under going a full body detox, your next step to great health is to begin the restoration of normally functioning organs, cells and microoraganisms. The most organic and accelerated method used is that of consuming ample amounts of plant life on the daily basis. Plants are comprised of multicellular organisms that produce their own food from a process known as photosynthesis. Basically all life forms on earth stem from the green of a plant through one way or the other. The thing that makes plants ideal is that they don’t have parents so there are no lives are claimed in order that we may consume plant life. When I speak of the terms “plants”or “plant life”, I am primarily referring to fruits and vegetables.

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