How Much Fat Can You Lose AFTER 50? (Here's The Truth!)

How Much Fat Can You Lose AFTER 50? (Here’s The Truth!)

Parents and Food: Healthy Role Models? Parental quirks about food and eating may be passed on to their kids, either intentionally or unconsciously. Which messages are you you sending to…

How To Check Testosterone Levels From Home (Try This!)

How To Check Testosterone Levels From Home (Try This!)

Pure Sidr Honey Brings You Amazing Medical Benefits Adding pure sidr honey is an ideal option to get rid of various health problems like heart disease, cancer (certain types) and…

How To Lose Chest Fat For Men At Home (Complete Guide!)

How To Lose Chest Fat For Men At Home (Complete Guide!)

Start Your Child’s School Day With a Nutritious Breakfast Weekday mornings can be hectic around the house. Parents get ready for work and hustle reluctant children out of bed to…

How Many Sets To Build Muscle AFTER 50?

How Many Sets To Build Muscle AFTER 50?

Stay Focused Through The Diet Plan Minefield Dieting to lose weight or to maintain that svelte figure can be challenging enough when you have personal control over each meal or…

How To Warm Up After 50 (DO IT LIKE THIS!)

How To Warm Up After 50 (DO IT LIKE THIS!)

Food: Do You Play the Blame Game? Does your eating ever go off target? Do you sometimes eat the wrong things, or more than you should? Do you find yourself…

How To FIX Lower Back Pain (No More Back Pain!)

How To FIX Lower Back Pain (No More Back Pain!)

Healthy, Nutritious And Delicious Recipes For Your Toddler As a parent, our focus always remains that our kid should eat healthy food. On the contrary, kids are known to be…

How To Grow Your Arms With Dumbbells ONLY! (Full Workout and Exercise Demonstrations)

How To Grow Your Arms With Dumbbells ONLY! (Full Workout and Exercise Demonstrations)

Cosmetic Treatments For Anti-Ageing, Skin Rejuvenation & Body Contouring Just because we have another birthday, it doesn’t mean we necessarily have to look any older. It’s amazing how just a…

How Often Should A 50 Year Old Man Workout? (Here's The Truth!)

How Often Should A 50 Year Old Man Workout? (Here’s The Truth!)

  Skin Needling To Refresh, Retexture & Rejuvenate Your Facial Skin As we get older, our collagen levels start to decline, causing our skin to lose its elasticity and this…

How To Lose Weight And Get 6 Pack Abs (Tips For Older Men!)

How To Lose Weight And Get 6 Pack Abs (Tips For Older Men!)

Don’t Know What to Wear for Your Zumba Workout? Zumba is like any other form of exercise. Okay, it is way more fun and happening, but an exercise nonetheless. As…

How To Use Resistance Bands To Build Muscle (SIMPLE TIPS!)

How To Use Resistance Bands To Build Muscle (SIMPLE TIPS!)

Working Out For A Healthier Life The importance of exercise in our lives is a known fact. Making room for exercise in our daily schedule has the following benefits: How…