A Day At The Race Track With Mark Mcilyar (CRAZY FUN!)

Eat Healthy and Delicious Food Products to Avoid Dehydration

If you wish to avoid dehydration and if you wish to stay healthy and fit, it is advisable that you should eat healthy food products on a daily basis. Popular food products such as strawberries, watermelon, yogurt, papaya and butternut squash, allow you to prevent dehydration by all possible means.

Extreme Health – A Concept Whose Time Has Come!

Olympic winners didn’t get there by moderation. Moderation isn’t the key to anything except mediocrity. We are under-utilizing the benefits of pure air, sunlight, absteemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet and use of water.

Nutrition Sensibility

Being sensible to nutrition and the values of eating healthy can lead to overall better health. A proper diet plan requires self-discipline and motivation to effectuate towards results that show and can be tracked. A visit to a qualified Health Professional can give insight on how to being a solid diet plan suitable for a person’s bodily needs. Having success with any diet plan begins with the mind and ends with the body.

Guiltless Pleasures

When it comes to eating correctly there are plenty of people who try to convince you that you will only get to eat food that is fit for rabbits, and that you will certainly have to give up all the good stuff. Don’t believe the hype, there are plenty of truly delicious foods that you can eat and feel good about eating them.

10 Ways to Curb Your Cravings for Salty Foods

We need a particular amount of salt on a daily basis, but it is easy to consume too much. Too much salt, or sodium chloride, can cause a variety of health issues. Many of the foods that contain large amounts of salt also contain other harmful ingredients as well. Here are 10 ways to curb your cravings for salty foods and begin to make healthier food choices. 1. Slowly wean yourself from the amount you consume. When you have gotten used to a large amount of salt, unsalted food will taste bland at first. Wean yourself slowly off salt by putting less and less on your food every day, until you are down to an acceptable amount.

Special Fertility Diet

The link between body weight and hormonal imbalance has proven key to understanding and treating many couple’s fertility problems. But what if a woman’s weight is well within the normal limits and her infertility still cannot be explained? Perhaps it is time for her to reexamine her diet. Specific dietary restrictions have demonstrated a powerful effect on regulating male and female hormones and increasing women’s chances of achieving pregnancy.

Boost Your Health With Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the world’s most popular berries, not only because of their sweet flavor and delicious dark purple color, but also because they host a wide variety of health benefits ranging from fighting cancer and maintaining brain health to improving memory, eyesight and skin conditions. Blueberries are particularly high in phytonutrients, and they are one of the world’s highest natural food sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants combat free radicals, protect the cells and give defense from oxidative stress.

The Best Foods For Improving Gut Health

Growing research is finding that a healthy microbiome, the ecosystem made up of billions of bacteria living in your body, is a key component to overall wellness. It can reduce the risk of a range of ailments – including inflammation, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and even dementia – and help burn body fat to maintain a healthy weight.

Nutrition Lessons From a Non-Nutrition Seminar

Most of us have to eat in restaurants and other locations frequently. This article covers tips on getting what you need from those away-from-home meals, no matter what.

Osteoporosis – The Sneaky Villain!

Osteoporosis is one of those undesirable creatures that can just sneak up on you. It appears gradually, not disturbing anything as it makes its way, causing no pain as it develops in your body, but yet can suddenly make you aware of its presence! Yes, when a simple fall causes a bone to break, it might be because you have osteoporosis.

Use and Health Benefits of Tomatoes

The tomato is the red edible fruit of the tomato plant, also called Solanum lycopersicum. This originated in the Andes in South America and began to be used as food in Mexico.

Clean Eating – 3 Tips To Clean Up Your Diet

“Clean eating” is one of the latest buzz phrases in our quest to find the “right” diet. There has been an increase in consumer demand for clean food products. Consumers are asking for products lower in sodium, without high fructose corn syrup and trans-fats, products with short ingredient lists, recognizable and “natural” ingredients. And the food industry is responding. Ingredients are being removed which are not easily understood. You will find more options without artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. In 2013, 25% of new product launches globally were considered “label-friendly.”

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