How To Lose Chest Fat For Men At Home (Complete Guide!)

Start Your Child’s School Day With a Nutritious Breakfast

Weekday mornings can be hectic around the house. Parents get ready for work and hustle reluctant children out of bed to go to school. Time is a precious commodity so you make choices that require the least effort to get the best result. For many families, this means putting a box of cereal, a bowl and a carton milk in front of your child for breakfast. Concerned about the lack of nutritious food at school, many parents also throw a fortified snack bar into the child’s lunch box.

Healthy Eating – Is A Meal Replacement Powder or A Protein Powder Right For You?

If you are in the market for a supplement to help increase your daily protein intake, you will likely come across two different products: protein powder as well as a meal replacement powder. Which is the best choice? It all depends on your goals. Let’s take a quick look at how these differ so you can get the facts on each…

Protein Is the Fuel for Mental and Physical Performance

A steady supply of protein keeps a variety of bodily functions going. Proteins are not like carbohydrates, which are stored in the body as fat, or other nutrients that the body produces from several food sources. The only place that proteins are stored is in muscle tissue and in almost every cell in your body. If your protein levels are too low, the body will rob these essential amino acids from the very muscles and tissues that you are trying to strengthen.

Rest and Nutrition Help Fight Stress

A good night’s rest, in the form of a deep relaxing sleep, is essential to helping the body to recover from the stresses of the day and to prepare you for the rigors of tomorrow. If you engage in regular strenuous exercise, this sleep time is even more important, both to help your body recover and to help you perform at optimal levels during the exercise.

Probiotics Help to Boost Your Immune System

Hundreds of species of bacteria live on and in your body. Nowhere is that relationship more important than in your digestive tract, starting with the saliva in your mouth and working through your entire system. This population of billions of bacteria is comprised of both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. As long as the beneficial bacteria represent eighty-five percent of the intestinal flora, they will suppress the ability of the pathogens to do you any harm.

Reward Children With Nutritious Treats

At an early age, we begin to condition our children that the reward for putting up with all of those vegetables on their plates is a sweet, sugary dessert. You might recognize the familiar statement, “If you don’t eat that broccoli, then you don’t get dessert.”

Boost Your Performance Without Energy Drinks

Daytime drowsiness, balancing alcohol consumption and increasing performance are all reasons given by people who drink energy drinks. The quick, pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon or on a long drive somewhere can help you to stay alert until dinnertime. Then sleep time comes and you regret your action. The stimulant can keep working longer than you anticipated it would and ruin a good night’s sleep, which do more to recharge the batteries naturally.

Is This “Normal?” 8 Reasons You May Be Living With Chronic Constipation

What is normal for digestive health? There is not a simple answer, each person is different. What is normal for you may not be normal for another. “Normal” may feel like a bowel movement every 2 or 3 days. It may feel like loose stools or the opposite; harder to pass and pebble-like. “Normal” is how your gut is normally acting for you. With the state of health today, I wouldn’t always agree that normal is what we are aiming for.

Surviving the Holidays With Less Nutrition Damage

Most people agree that stress goes up during the holiday season. One of the key stressors is weight gain — not surprising because coping with holiday stress often involves stress eating and drinking. This article covers tips for getting through the holidays with less damage to your food plan.

Antioxidants and Good Health

Foods that are rich in antioxidants are an essential part of a healthy, cancer preventative diet. But why? What is it about antioxidants and the free radicals they combat that makes them so important for a healthy lifestyle?

16 Tips for Healthwise Holiday Eating & Managing Diabetes

Like so many of you, I glanced at the calendar and had that light bulb moment, realizing that the holiday season is on the doorstep. They’re lighting trees, promoting holiday gifts and stocking supermarkets with all the ingredients to cook up the seasonal dishes and desserts we love. One of the things that is consistently are on the minds of my clients living with diabetes is the “Tis’ the season what can I eat challenge?

Why Do You Need Sports Nutrition

Whether you are exercising to improve your health, a professional athlete or a bodybuilder, the sports nutrition plays a vital role in optimizing beneficial effects of physical activity. Choosing a right nutrition can result in injury prevention, improved performance, and recovery. According to Thomas Edison, “The doctor of future will no longer treat human frame with drugs, rather will prevent and cure disease with nutrition”.

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