My Muscle Building Diet | A Sample of a Meal in My Muscle Building Diet.

Personalizing Wellness With Genomic Testing

Personalizing wellness is all the rage – as it should be. But now – we have the opportunity to truly personalize our wellness – with our own DNA. Ever wonder why some medications & supplements work for some people and not others? Why do some people have success with fat loss on a diet and exercise program – and others do not? It merits the word “awesome” – when we think of the minutia dictated by our genes, and how they are expressed.

Why People Prefer To Eat Soaked Almonds

Almonds are the best nuts, as they provide many health benefits. People enjoy eating it as a snack or use it in some recipes. Many people enjoy eating almonds after soaking them in water. Soaked almonds are delicious to eat and can offer you many health benefits. Almonds are rich in vitamins and have many essential minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium, and Calcium etc.

How Many Carbs to Lose Weight

Do you ever wonder how many carbs to lose weight you should eat? How many carbs per day is a common question that I’m asked all the time. Well, I used to ask this same exact question all the time until I stumbled upon a great way to calculate how many carbs you should have per day. To find out more read on…

9 Health Benefits of Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are the dried form of fruits you can buy in the market. They offer a lot of health benefits, such as better stamina. Therefore, experts often recommend eating dry fruits prior to doing exercise. Dry fruits are also sent as gifts on Diwali and many other festivals. Given below are some prominent health benefits of eating dry fruits.

Hidden Health Benefits Of These Dry Fruits You Have Probably Never Heard Of

Opting for dry fruits is a smart choice as they are packed with a number of vitamins, proteins, minerals, dietary fibers and other nutrients. These are perfect to munch on, instead of a high-calorie or unhealthy snacks. Every diet regimen is incomplete without them and if you don’t like them, so, you should start doing so, as they keep you fit and take care of your glowing skin and healthy hairs as well.

Ultimate Benefit Of Eating Dry Fruits On An Empty Stomach

Dry fruits are rich in minerals and proteins and can benefit our body if eaten on empty stomach. It is recommended to eat a handful of dry fruits daily in order to stay fit. There is a huge variety of dry fruits that are available in the market such as Cashews, Nuts, Almonds, and Walnuts etc.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle For The Rest of Your Life

A healthy lifestyle encompasses all of the components of healthy living, eating food which your body finds highly nutritious, exercising the body on a consistent basis, getting enough rest and sleep, drinking plenty of fresh water etc. The real way to maintain that kind of lifestyle is to take action on all of those things above on a consistent basis. There’s no point in just having one healthy meal every now and again then the rest of the time eating frozen and processed foods.

Your FAQs on Eating Nuts

Here are some of the commonly asked questions on nuts as a foodstuff. Before starting, we’d like to confirm that what follows is NOT QUALIFIED MEDICAL ADVICE. If you’re having health problems and believe that your diet may help or indeed make them worse, you must speak with your doctor!

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

Believe it or not coconut oil weight loss is possible and probable. Would you like to know how to use coconut oil for weight loss? Also did you know that it could be used for candida, immunity, sex drive, detoxification, blood sugar regulation, heart health? Well, in today’s post I’ll explain the benefits and uses of coconut oil.

Health Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are delicious and tasty seeds that belong to tree nut family of cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, and pine, and they are from the Juglans genus. Walnuts are round and single-seeded fruits enclosed in an inedible and thick husk. The fruits are encased in a hard and two-halved shell. Walnuts have been thought to be a brain food due to their medicinal properties and their brain structure shape which makes them termed as a “symbol of intelligence”, believed to enhance intellect.

More Nutrients to Enhance the Usual Diets

Food is an immense source of nutrients that nourish our body. Interestingly, food is not the only one! It is a well-known fact that nutritional needs change with aging, pregnancy & lactation, acute & chronic diseases, and other medical conditions.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Three High Protein Vegetables to Start Eating Today

For most people, getting enough protein into their daily eating plan proves to be the biggest challenge they face, nutritionally speaking. Unless you are a lover of chicken breast or are diligently tracking your protein intake, there is a good chance you are currently not eating enough protein each day. Fortunately, some vegetables will pack in more protein than many people realize.

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