How To Supercharge Your Workouts (EAT THIS NOT THAT!)

How To Supercharge Your Workouts (EAT THIS NOT THAT!)

Save a Resolution! Stay Healthy This Holiday Season! The main keys to staying healthy during this time of year are the same as any other time of year: Proper diet…

Hard and Heavy Leg Workout | Fitness Over 60!

Hard and Heavy Leg Workout | Fitness Over 60!

Survive Flu Season: 6 Nutrition Tricks to Stay Healthy Your diet has a major impact on how well your immune system will be able to fight off the common cold…

Bodyweight Only Chest Workout For Men Over 50 (TRY THESE EXERCISES!)

Bodyweight Only Chest Workout For Men Over 50 (TRY THESE EXERCISES!)

Candida Causes, Testing and Treatment Most people today are looking for alternative treatments when it comes to treating simple medical conditions. There are several different types of treatments today that…

Fitness Over 60 | Chest and Shoulder Workout

Fitness Over 60 | Chest and Shoulder Workout

The Dangers Of Too Much Soy Soy is a controversial food product on the market today. It is rumoured to have many positive sides as well as many negatives. Soy…

How To Stop Age Related Muscle Loss (KEEP BUILDING MUSCLE!)

How To Stop Age Related Muscle Loss (KEEP BUILDING MUSCLE!)

Women’s Health Supplements: Why These Are Essential for Women? Nutritional supplements are very important part of a balanced and healthy diet. But at the same time it is also vital…

How To Avoid Injuries After 40 (TRY THESE MUST NEEDED TIPS!)

How To Avoid Injuries After 40 (TRY THESE MUST NEEDED TIPS!)

Get Weight Loss Nutrition Bars Losing weight isn’t easy. There are so many unhealthy food temptations out there, but eating these foods are all of the time is not good….

Back and Biceps Workout | Old Guy Back and Biceps Day!

Back and Biceps Workout | Old Guy Back and Biceps Day!

Diet Vs Training – Which Is More Important for Improving Body Composition? I’m sure we’ve all heard of the expressions ‘Abs are made in the kitchen’ or ‘You can’t out…

How To Lose Chest Fat In 4 Simple Steps (No More Man Boobs!)

How To Lose Chest Fat In 4 Simple Steps (No More Man Boobs!)

Cheap Healthy Meals: Sourdough Although many enjoy the taste of sourdough baking, the health benefits of leavening with sourdough rather than brewer’s yeast are not so well known. The popularity…

Fitness and Alcohol Recovery | My Long Term Goal

Fitness and Alcohol Recovery | My Long Term Goal

What Causes Tooth Decay: What Is Epigenetics? Our current knowledge of epigenetics radically alters former beliefs that we are all dealt a certain hand at birth, genetically, and nothing can…

60 Plus Fitness! | Chest and Shoulder Workout with Diet Update!

60 Plus Fitness! | Chest and Shoulder Workout with Diet Update!

Chia Seeds (Salvia Hispnica) and General Health Whilst much has been written about Chia Seeds and improved athletic performance, for example greater endurance, stamina and increased circulatory and reduced blood…