How to Get Stronger and More Muscular | My Strength and Hypertrophy Program at 61!

Healthy Easting – The Best Potassium-Rich Foods for Heart Health

For many Type 2 diabetics who are looking to manage their blood sugar and control their body weight, carbohydrates are the primary focus. And, there is nothing wrong with that. Carbs should be tightly regulated in those who suffer from this condition. But, it should not be all you are looking at. The truth is, you also need to consider the other macronutrients in your diet as well. These include the vitamins and minerals your food supplies. One particular mineral of importance is potassium.

What Can You Eat On A Ketogenic Diet? Learn The Secrets To Burn Fat

Keto is a whole food diet solution to reduce and resolve a number of health conditions. People with conditions such as type-2 diabetes, obesity and inflammation will benefit hugely from a ketogenic diet. Learn about what you can eat on a ketogenic diet and how our body reacts to both healthy and unhealthy foods.

More Cravings Nonsense That Makes Me Disagree

A great deal of advice is given about cravings, and I disagree with much of it. This short article presents a myth about cravings from a newsletter article, along with an alternative viewpoint.

Can Diet Calm an Anxious Mind?

Anxiety. It’s a common ailment. When my clients list their medical history, anxiety is often on the list. It seems to be more prevalent than ever. Maybe we are now recognizing and diagnosing it more often, but it is not uncommon for a person of any age, even children, to report various levels of anxiety.

Healthy Eating – Is Food Healthier When It’s Raw?

One question many people wonder about as they go through their diet plan is whether they should be eating raw food as often as possible. While you may not take it so far as to adopt the raw food diet approach which can be very restrictive in a sense and hard for many to stick with; you may question whether not cooking particular foods is a wiser move.

Healthy Eating – Have You Tried These Kitchen Tools?

Looking to take your health to the next level? If so, do not discount the variety of kitchen tools available to help make your food preparation life a little more straightforward. It is one thing to focus on eating healthier foods, but quite another to look at making sure you are using the right “tools of the trade” so to speak to ensure you are getting the healthiest meals you can and perhaps in the shortest amount of time.

Coconut Oil and Its Healing Capabilities

Coconut Oil is generally used for cooking purposes but it has many different applications which include some healing capabilities. Whether you use it on its own or as a key ingredient, there are many ways to incorporate it in your life.

Health Benefits of Moringa Seed

Native to Africa and Asia, the Moringa Tree, or Moringa Oleifera (botanical name) is one of the most nutrients-rich plants in the world. As Moringa Powder is a natural source of these nutrients, it is highly bioavailable, so the human body can absorb the nutrients more easily than by taking artificial or synthetic supplements. Now let’s go in a tour through the ten benefits of moringa.

Healthy Living – A Few Health Benefits Of Turmeric

One spice you will want to start thinking seriously about including in your cooking whenever possible is turmeric. Many people turn their nose up at it as they are not a fan of curry-based dishes, but keep in mind turmeric does not have to always be in the form of curry. You can add turmeric to many everyday meals you may be creating right now. And, you should. There are a great many benefits to using turmeric – benefits that should not be overlooked.

Healthy Living – Breakfast Swaps For A Better Day Ahead

Getting a good breakfast meal in each day is a must if you are looking to achieve excellent health standing. You may think you do not have time for breakfast, but if you want to feel energized, have an easier time with fat loss, and put forth the best performance at work or school, you should make time. What you eat for this morning meal will make a difference. Not quite sure what to serve? Let us look at a few of the smart breakfast swaps to put into place to take your nutrition up a notch.

Foods A Breastfeeding Mother Must And Must Not Have

Being a mom is not easy, you have to make a number of sacrifices, you have to be sure what you are eating, whether it is good for your baby or not and the list goes on. Moderating your diet plan is essential not only during the nine months when the baby is in your womb, but even after that until the time you breastfeed.

Foods To Eat During Periods To Relieve The Cramps

Periods or menstruation cycle is that time of the month when every woman feels irritated, or miserable due to sudden mood swings, excessive flow, and other problems. Most of the women reported the problems they face during that time of the month is abdominal pain, cramps, tiredness, backache, headache or what not. It is the problem of every month and only healthy eating can help you get the relief.

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