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Experiment With A New Healthy Meal Every Week

If you get into the habit of trying out one new healthy meal every week, you will potentially have 52 meals under your belt within one year’s time! Not bad for just trying out one healthy meal every week. Read the entire healthy eating motivational article here.

Understanding Healthy Eating Terms

We hear a lot about this is good for us or bad for us because it contains this particularly substance and this is usually a complicated sounding technical term. But what do these terms mean to those of us not well versed in medical matters? Here are a few of the terms I have encountered a lot recently and an attempt at a simple explanation of why they are good or bad for us.

Easy Ways of Staying Healthy

Staying healthy can be really easy, depending on how determined you are to stay healthy. This article outlines some of the easy ways of staying healthy.

4 Muscle-Building Protein Packed Snacks

You could hit the gym 2 hours a day, everyday and see little improvement to your physique or strength at all. The fundamental key to building muscle is in fact to eat right, eat well and eat a lot of protein packed foods! From this article learn the top 4 muscle-building protein packed snacks which can easily be eaten made and consumed.

Has Fruit Addiction Simply Replaced Sugar Addiction? (They’re Not That Different!)

Sugar is commonly recognized as an unhealthful food. Yet fruit has begun to replace it in the form of fruit syrups and sweeteners, or simply increased consumption of fruit. This can be problematic if it turns into fruit or fructose addiction.

It’s Not A Diet, It’s Just Healthy Nutrition

Maintaining self-control at each eating instance is crucial for weight loss success. It’s not a diet but simply healthy nutrition along with healthy habits kept throughout the day. If you maintain that mentality, you will be more likely to stick with appropriate amounts of food every time you eat.

Does Metabolism Slow With Age?

Does metabolism slow with age? This is a question that has come often when training with people in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s in particular. It seems to be the common thought that, ‘it’s just one of those things’, and that there’s nothing that can be done about it, you can’t fight mother nature right?

Surviving the Long Lunch

When long lunches appear on your schedule – either business or pleasure- it helps to have a plan of attack to keep you on track with your healthy eating plan. Here are a number of key tips that will keep you on the straight and narrow.

Is Your Food Making You Sick? Discovering Food Sensitivities to Feel Your Best

Are you sick of feeling sick and tired? Are you taking medication that at best works to cover up symptoms but never solves the problem?

The Power of Berries

Berries are full of powerful nutrients. Even though they are small, they pack a big nutritional punch. Use them in your meals, or snacks to reap the health benefits.

Food Choices For A Candida-Free Diet

A Candida diet requires you to eliminate sugar and foods that act like sugar in your body. This can feel like an overwhelming diet with a number of restrictions. Let’s take a look at the foods you need to avoid to eliminate Candida and then the potential substitutions and alternatives. Don’t worry, there are still tons of foods you can enjoy and still eliminate your Candida overgrowth.

6 Ways to Beat Fatigue

We all feel fatigued at one point or another and for some of us it is more often than not. You feel completely drained mid day and you find it difficult to continue on productively. But there are some helpful tips that you can do to overcome that tired feeling.

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