Hard and Heavy Leg Workout | Fitness Over 60!

Survive Flu Season: 6 Nutrition Tricks to Stay Healthy

Your diet has a major impact on how well your immune system will be able to fight off the common cold and the flu. Read about these 6 nutrition tricks to stay healthier all year long: 4 things to always include in your diet and 2 to avoid if you think you might be getting sick.

Vitamin D Is Not Only Essential For General Health – It Is Also The Protector For Skin Cancer!

As researchers continue and are digging deeper about the importance of vitamin D for our health in general it has become obvious that there is more ongoing research necessary to find all the benefits of this product provided by Mother – Nature. Vitamin D deficiency is not only linked to normal health but also implicated in multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, poor bone health and more. A natural vitamin of such importance to our health was hardly known or talked about over a century ago.

Health Dangers We All Face Everyday

Have you noticed how we have become complacent about the food we eat? What have we become when we just reach for that empty calorie snack just to fulfill a craving? Today’s children deserve to be properly educated on the need to eat nutritious food in order to live a healthy lifestyle. Let’s give our children the opportunity to live in good health free of disease.

How to Jumpstart Your New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution

Thousands of people begin the New Year with the same resolution they had the previous years: weight loss! But many of them will probably fail because they don’t know where to begin. Of course the internet is a source of a million choices: meal plans, herbal medicines, diet tea, superfoods, and ancient secrets.

Happy New Year: Feeling Good in January

January can be a bit of a drag (in the Northern Hemisphere anyways). Here’s a couple of ways to help you through it.

Attacking the Supermarket Snack Aisle The Right Way To Not Get Fat Or Bored

Even though people may be on nutrition plans that greatly restrict their intake of packaged or boxed snacks, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to have some of the things you love or crave. The key is to have a strategy based on better understanding of the reality of your overall nutrition situation.

Top Ten Tips for Creating Healthy Habits in the New Year

A new year, a new you… it’s the resolution almost everyone makes, the one which the majority of people don’t see through to the end let alone past January. Who doesn’t want to be a little healthier, fitter, perhaps lose the few pounds we might have gained over the Christmas period? The problem for most of us is that we enter the New Year all guns blazing with unrealistic expectations, unmaintainable goals and no real concrete objectives of how we plan on achieving them.

Negative Effects of Bee Pollen

Despite the fact that bee pollen is rich in essential nutrients and provides relief against a number of health conditions, it has certain side effects that we must not ignore. People allergic to this substance should be extremely careful before using any type of bee product.

Benefits of Honey and Bee Pollen

Honey and Bee Pollen, besides serving as the most popular sweeteners, offer a number of advantages that humans can benefit from. Besides being highly rich in nutrients, they also possess a number of therapeutic qualities that provide instant relief against a number of ailments.

5 Reasons Raw Foods Are Critical to Mens Fitness

Hello, I am writing today about a long overlooked subject in fitness routines. It is the differences and benefits of raw foods over cooked foods. Some foods have to be cooked like meats, eggs, etc.

Any Reputed Natural Health Centre Offers Permanent Cure for Neurological and Respiratory Problems

Those who suffer from muscle pain or arthritis related problems know very well how these can disrupt your normal activities. You won’t be able to move or work freely. Even, performing daily chores can be very difficult.

Health Risks Associated With GM Food

There is some research that indicates health risks associated with GM food like accelerated aging, introduction of high levels of toxins and allergens into your body, building resistance to antibiotics and above all low nutrient content. These are potential health risks that hold much water and so you should be careful to heed to.

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