FIT OVER 60! | My Complete Fitness Platform at 62 Years Old

FIT OVER 60! | My Complete Fitness Platform at 62 Years Old

What Is the Nutritional Value of Sweet Potato? Find out what the nutritional value of sweet potato is, a popular vegetable eaten in homes and restaurants across the world. From…

Best Tips And Exercises To Lose Weight At Home (MUCH NEEDED TIPS!)

Best Tips And Exercises To Lose Weight At Home (MUCH NEEDED TIPS!)

My Health and Living: The Curse of Artificial Sweeteners Everyone says get off the sugar, as it is not good for you, and trade it with an alternative. What they…

Healthy Choices That Will Make You Lean In 2022 (THIS IS YOUR YEAR!)

Healthy Choices That Will Make You Lean In 2022 (THIS IS YOUR YEAR!)

How To Lose Weight And Improve Health After 40 (FIX YOUR GUT!)

How To Lose Weight And Improve Health After 40 (FIX YOUR GUT!)

How Gut Health Can Affect Weight Loss AFTER 40

How Gut Health Can Affect Weight Loss AFTER 40

Take Supplements For Inflammation To Support Natural Healing Research is showing that inflammation is linked to numerous diseases from high cholesterol to arthritis. Major contributors to inflammation are processed food…

Big Quads Leg Workout! | Day 1 of my 5 Day Workout Cycle!

Big Quads Leg Workout! | Day 1 of my 5 Day Workout Cycle!

Craving Sweets? Weaning Yourself Off Sugar Many of us go through times in our lives where we over indulge in sweets. The challenge is reigning yourself back in after you…

Strength Training for Aging Adults | Strength Training Over 60

Strength Training for Aging Adults | Strength Training Over 60

Health Benefits of Quinoa – How to Add More Quinoa to Your Diet The superfood quinoa(KEEN-wah) has recently become popular in healthy restaurants and homes. Since quinoa is a vegetable…

Outside Workouts! | Take Your Workouts Outside. Why Not?

Outside Workouts! | Take Your Workouts Outside. Why Not?

Amazing Health Benefits of Kadaknath Chicken Kadaknath Chicken which is also termed as Black Meat Chicken is one among the three such famous types available in the world. It has…

Eating Healthy on a Budget | Jennifer Dietrick | myHMB

Eating Healthy on a Budget | Jennifer Dietrick | myHMB

3 Somethings About Serotonin That Are Bad We tend to be familiar with the benefits of serotonin, primarily on mood. Yet serotonin has its drawbacks, and all of them are…

5 Supplements for Overall Health | Erin Stern | myHMB

5 Supplements for Overall Health | Erin Stern | myHMB

Want Convenience or Better Health? Manufacturers are still allowed to put dangerous compounds in our food supply. Be cautious what you consume. How Ginger Is Good For Your Health The…