BACK WORKOUT AT HOME! | Fitness Over 60!

BACK WORKOUT AT HOME! | Fitness Over 60!

Avoid Certain Foods To Enjoy A High Level Of Health And Wellness Learn which foods you need to consume with caution because they can negatively affect your level of health…

Back and Biceps Workout | Old Guy Back and Biceps Day!

Back and Biceps Workout | Old Guy Back and Biceps Day!

Diet Vs Training – Which Is More Important for Improving Body Composition? I’m sure we’ve all heard of the expressions ‘Abs are made in the kitchen’ or ‘You can’t out…

60 Plus Fitness! | Chest and Shoulder Workout with Diet Update!

60 Plus Fitness! | Chest and Shoulder Workout with Diet Update!

Chia Seeds (Salvia Hispnica) and General Health Whilst much has been written about Chia Seeds and improved athletic performance, for example greater endurance, stamina and increased circulatory and reduced blood…

Upper Body Workout For Men Over 50 - Part 2 (DROP SET DESTRUCTION!)

Upper Body Workout For Men Over 50 – Part 2 (DROP SET DESTRUCTION!)

Full Body Workout For Men Over 40 (HIT EVERY MUSCLE GROUP IN 1 WORKOUT!)

Full Body Workout For Men Over 40 (HIT EVERY MUSCLE GROUP IN 1 WORKOUT!)

Paleo Diet Tips: Kicking The Sugar Addiction Paleo diet calls for the elimination of refined sugars. Get some helpful tips on how you can effectively kick the unhealthy sugar addiction….

At Home Back Workout For Men Over 50 (DUMBBELLS ONLY!)

At Home Back Workout For Men Over 50 (DUMBBELLS ONLY!)

Fish Oil Supplements Cause Prostate Cancer?! Here’s The REAL Story If you are keeping up with the current news, you may be aware that an article came out recently that…

5 MINUTE Back Mobility And Stretch (Yoga and Core Exercises!)

5 MINUTE Back Mobility And Stretch (Yoga and Core Exercises!)

Don’t Fall Apart! Without enough vitamin C your body LITERALLY falls apart! It is crucial for every system in the body and you may be surprised at how it supports…

At Home Back and Chest Workout AFTER 60 (FULL WORKOUT!)

At Home Back and Chest Workout AFTER 60 (FULL WORKOUT!)

10 Easy Healthy Snacks Snacking is hard. This is an easy list of healthy, delicious snacks that are targeted for easy prep and kids! Let your kids choose one of…

Super Back and Bicep Workout | I Love Pull Ups!

Super Back and Bicep Workout | I Love Pull Ups!

Honey or Sugar – What Difference Does It Make? While both honey and sugar are sweet and have a lot of calories, most of the similarities end right there. It…

How To Build A BIG BACK With Bands Only (Bigger Back At Home!)

How To Build A BIG BACK With Bands Only (Bigger Back At Home!)

Drink Local Fruits and Vegetable Juice The goal is simple, live happy, drink healthy and thrive daily on an array of fresh juices obtained from produce of local growers. As…