At Home Back and Chest Workout AFTER 60 (FULL WORKOUT!)

10 Easy Healthy Snacks

Snacking is hard. This is an easy list of healthy, delicious snacks that are targeted for easy prep and kids! Let your kids choose one of these snacks to keep the sugar down and their healthy way up!

Indiscernible Sugars Inside Our Food That We May Not Be Aware

Dietitians today have really gotten on the bandwagon in terms of agreement about the harm sugar brings to the human body. We’ve gotten used to eating vast amounts of sugar so that our own bodies are basically fueled by it. If we would use fat as our primary energy source we would experience a newfound energy and also a much more lucid mind.

5 Strategies for Staying Fit and Healthy During the Holidays

Fitness and nutrition are important year-round, even during the holidays. With a few smart tips, you can stay on track to keeping a healthy you.

Alternative Nutrition

This article deals with food and the poisons that goes with normal food stuff. Also, what to do if you don’t want to consume that food.

Folic Acid Benefits – 3 Large Reasons We Need It!

Perhaps you have seen folic acid in a multivitamin or food product and wondered why we need it. This article shares 3 very important reasons you should be consuming it daily.

What Is Biotin Good For? 5 Ways We Use It!

Biotin is common in multivitamins and in some food products. Discover what it is good for and if we really need it.

5 Great Benefits to Get From a Plant-Based Diet

A plant-based diet includes a high percentage of food sourced from plants rather than animals. This can mean eating nuts, whole grains, lentils, peas, beans, fruits, and vegetables.

How to Eat Naturally Anywhere, Anytime

What I love about natural eating is that absolutely anyone can do it. It doesn’t matter whether you are a 6 foot 4 inch male doing manual work all day long, or a 5 foot 4 inch woman, running your own business or something of a sedentary nature. Because the principles are the same it doesn’t matter what the situation is. You simply listen to your body.

Ripped Six Pack Abs – Dietary Tips

1. Frequency of Meals – Let’s assume that you have shifted to a dry location & you know you’ll only get water one time every day. Won’t you use it carefully & sparingly?

Healthy Foods to Eat on a Budget

Trying to eat healthy food when you are on a budget can seem challenging. This article will tell you what kinds of healthy foods you should shop for and how eating healthy food can be accomplished without breaking the bank.

Healthy Recipes – My Personal Experience

Wealthy is not Healthy but Health is Wealth – taking the first step in prevention is the best and most valued in terms of health & fitness. We know that some of the food we eat cause us illness, so abstaining from such will be the first measure to avoid unhealthy living. So curative is costly than preventive..

Sugar Addiction, Tolerance and Withdrawal

Sugar addiction is real and follows the DSM-5 criteria for substance abuse disorder, most of which were covered in a previous article. This article completes the list with the final two criteria, tolerance and withdrawal.

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