Over 60 Fitness! Old Guy Squat Workout | Squatting Over 60 for Strength!

Exercises and Workouts – Exercise Modifications To Make Past The Age Of 40

If you are in your 40’s, 50’s or beyond, you may be wondering what this means for your workout program. Can you still do the workouts you have always done? Or will you need to make adjustments? As you get older, there is no question specific changes take place in your body. If you want to continue to stay active into these years, you will need to modify things a little. The good news is if you keep up with your fitness, you will not need to adjust as much, as your body will maintain itself quite well.

10 Things You Should Never Do At The Gym

So you’ve finally decided to add some gym time to your timetable, and I’m assuming you’re going to be working out in a commercial gym. While you work your ass off to keep fit, everyone at the gym will be watching you from a distance: judging. For that reason, I have prepared a handy list of some of the etiquette issues you might be vulnerable to when you’re lifting those heavy metal plates.

Healthy Living – Three Tips to Help Keep Your Joints Healthy

There is one health issue that will quickly take you out of the workout game: joint pain. You know how important it is to stay active as keeping active will help to ensure you maintain muscle strength and keep your physical fitness at an ideal level. As we become older, we lose lean muscle mass, but physical activity helps to prevent this loss. When you start suffering from joint pain, however, things change. Now even walking up the stairs can feel like a challenge. The good news? You can get around this. By taking steps now, you can keep your joints moving well into your later years. Don’t let creaky joints get you down.

Exercises and Workouts – What Is Bursitis and How Do You Treat The Pain and Inflammation?

If you are involved in any type of physical activity program, there is a very good chance at some point or another; you are going to suffer an injury. While you can take steps to help prevent injuries over time, it is rare to find someone who never experiences the odd ache or pain here and there. For some people, those aches and pains are a lot more significant than others. Bursitis is one of the common causes of pain and can be very frustrating to deal with. What is bursitis and what are the signs you may be suffering?

Kettlebells – What Kettlebell Size and Weight Do You Start With?

Kettlebells, from Russia originally only came three sizes. Today they come in multiple weight variations, so what size Kettlebells should you start with? If you are only going to buy one kettlebell, what weight do you get? Here’s how to select the right Kettlebell.

Exercises and Workouts – The Best Exercises To Build A Stronger Chest

If you are looking to build a stronger chest, there are a few exercises you should focus on including in your workout plan. Most people think all it takes to create a strong chest is the chest press exercise and while this exercise will help, it is not the only exercise you need to concern yourself with. Which moves should you include in your regime? Let us go over your list.

Exercises and Workouts – Strength Training Can Help Slow Down Aging

In today’s times where more and more people are becoming focused on both their appearance and their health, we are all looking for ways we can reduce the signs of aging. While we can never stop the hands of time entirely, there is much we can do to help reduce how much we show our age. Strength training often referred to as resistance training, is one of those.

Burn Body Fat Fast Using A Booty Band

If you’re struggling with weight loss and/or want to tone your body and you haven’t had any positive results, we ask you not to give up! If by now, you have basically flushed down the toilet that New Years Resolution to lose body fat – then it is time to put that resolution back into active circulation, as you can now burn body fat fast using a Booty Band.

The Many Benefits of Booty Bands For Your Body

Booty Bands are great and effective in the enhancement of your figure and in acquiring the figure you’ve been wanting for a long time. However and needless to say, it is one of the very awesome perks of Booty Bands!

Exercises and Workouts – Quick Tips For Better Calf Training

The calf muscles are a set of muscles often overlooked as the primary focus is placed on larger lower body muscles like the quads or hamstrings. While these are the muscles you should focus on; this should not be to the neglect of your calf muscles. Having muscular calves will give you the foundation on which all other movements are done and will ensure you are not as at-risk for ankle injuries. Proper calf training is a must. Many people either ditch calf training altogether or just are not performing calf training as they should. Here are a few quick tips you should remember next time you prepare yourself to do calf work.

What If You Cannot Exercise?

We know the health benefits of exercise. There’s no question about how good exercise can be for physical and mental health. However, many people believe that exercise is beyond their physical ability, no matter how many health benefits there may be.

The Word You Need To Add To Exercise And Your Workout To Succeed

We workout, we exercise. We talk about our exercise workouts, but, do we use the one word, in our thoughts and comments, that can make or break an exercise workout program? If used incorrectly, this word can defeat us, if used properly it can lead us to success… new levels of fitness, health, weight management, and even happiness.

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