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Valencia Peanut Butter: Good for Your Health

Valencia peanut butter is a great source of folate, vitamin E, protein and manganese. Peanuts are also a staggering source of monounsaturated fats. Simply put, natural peanut butter can positively fit into your healthy eating plan. Eat your warm toast topped with this tasty nutty spread, or enjoy a bowl of apples and bananas with a scoop of this crunchy and tasty spread to make a healthy and decadent snack instead of fast foods and ice creams.

Increase Fat Loss By Eating Before Bedtime

Have you heard that one of the biggest mistakes you can make, if you are trying to lose weight, is to eat later in the evening or before going to sleep? If you have, there is logic to this opinion – you would be eating when your metabolic rate is at its slowest, and then it will even become slower while you are sleeping. And as a result of this, it is believed that the combination of your slow metabolism and lack of activity will cause the calories to be stored as excess weight and fat.

Women’s Six Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes

Wondering why you can’t lose weight? Make sure you are not making one of these common mistakes.

Gluten Free Dieting and Celiac Disease

Growing attention to being gluten free is changing the food industry. Even grocery stores and food manufacturers have to be more precise in the ingredients listing on the foods they produce. Learn some amazing facts that might change the way you shop for food!

5 BEST Healthy Breakfast Foods

Has anyone ever told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy breakfast foods is critical.

The Health Benefits of Onions

Onions are full of health benefits and have been used medicinally for years. This article looks in depth at these benefits.

Probiotics Supplements And Prebiotics Supplements

Prebiotics coupled with probiotics are able to balance the bacteria that live within the human body’s digestive system, to enable a thriving environment and the best digestive health possible. This combination can be so beneficial that it is best to take prebiotics supplements and probiotic supplements.

Pick a Peck of Green Peppers for Your Kids’ Dinner Tonight

Green peppers are nutritious and awesome. Here are ideas and sure-fire ways to introduce and encourage a love of this yummy vegetable.

Lose Fat – Keep Lean Muscle Mass

Lately all I have been hearing people ask about is fat loss, so I thought I would jot down some notes on Cyclical Ketogenic Diet or CKD for short. This is a diet that I have used on and off for several years. A lot of people call it the bodybuilders’ diet.

UN Declares 2013 to Be the International Year of Quinoa

The U. N. had declared 2013 as your International Year of Quinoa. In spite of everything, quinoa now hardly needs any recognition. The whole world already recognizes quinoa’s benefits, quinoa nutrition and the sheer flexibility of this grain.

Casein – What Is It, What Is It Used for and Some Product Examples

A brief overview of the benefits of casein to bodybuilders and athletes. The reasons why it should be taken along with some product recommendations.

Fun at the Farmers Market!

Farmers markets are a way for farmers to sell their products directly to the consumers. It is a great way for consumers to get fresh, locally grown food. Farmers markets can be easily found using the USDA Farmers Market Search and other directories.

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