How to Get Fit | A 61 Year Old’s Perspective

Healthy Eating – The Health Benefits Of Nutmeg

As you go about your menu planning, it is important to not only look at the particular foods you are eating but how you are preparing those foods as well. Or more specifically, what spices and herbs you are using to help add flavor. Many people forget about adding these ingredients, but they really can make a big difference in your overall health.

Plant Based Meal Plans for Beginners – Are They Healthy for You?

Beginning a plant based diet can be a huge challenge. Not everyone can handle the changes and will likely quit with in a week. When I started my plant based lifestyle and was looking for options, I asked myself, are plant based meal plans for beginners healthy for you? I wanted to make sure that if I would have meat and dairy withdraws, would I be able to make it through. I needed to know why would I feel with draws and how can I get over them. Well, I was doing my research and I discovered you can get some help with pre-packaged vegan meals. These options will help you transition to the plant based lifestyle. Again, I further wanted to know the reasons why it’s healthy and why would I go through withdraws. If you’re like me, you may have some concerns that I would like to talk about in this article.

Healthy Eating – Which Foods Are Highest In Antioxidants?

If you have been paying attention to health and nutrition, you likely know by now it is vital you take in a good dose of antioxidants every day. You encounter free radicals from your environment, from the foods you eat, and even from the stress you experience on a day to day basis. All of this adds up and can do a number on your overall health. Fortunately, by eating foods rich in antioxidants, you can help avoid some of this damage.

Would You Buy a Juicer or a Blender on a Plant Based Diet?

Last year I changed my life forever, I decided to live a plant based lifestyle. My health was in such a poor condition that I felt I needed to get a huge life insurance policy so my family will be taken care of. Crisis avoided by going plant based. I wondered how I was going to do this and the question arose, would you buy a juicer or a blender on a plant based diet. I started doing research on both. What I found was both had advantages and disadvantages. If you consider that a problem while you’re eating plants. Right?

Healthy Diet Daily

Grains Whole grains come in all shapes, sizes, tastes and textures. With a myriad of B vitamins, fiber, iron, plant-based protein and minerals, each tiny grain delivers a nutritional punch. A whole grain has its natural bran, which holds a good portion of its nutritional value.

How Does Type ‘A’ Blood Affect Gains?

For the small percentage of hard gainers struggling to pack thick muscle unto a narrow frame, sacrificing health for the sake of physique is usually the compromise. However, becoming conscious of restrictions and allotments based on blood type is the key to ensuring the attainment of the physique you want while optimizing health. I chose type ‘A’ blood type not only because it’s my personal blood type but it is also a high maintenance blood type.

A Nutrition Point That’s Still Not Clear

An infographic on the six human hungers offered some information that I found confusing and critiqued last year. The creator of the infographic recently responded to my article. One point about hunger could still use some clarification, and this article explores that point.

What Are Protein Shakes? Benefits of Protein Shakes

Protein shakes are the main thing which bodybuilders use to maintain a balanced diet. Many people think that proteins shakes are not good for the body. Here I am telling you about benefits of protein shakes and what are they…

Know the Top 5 Ghee Benefits For Babies & What Brand to Prefer

After the birth of babies, there is always discussion goes on whether ghee should be given to them or not. Thus know the ghee benefits for babies.

8 Awesome Health Benefits of Cheese & Its Nutritional Value

Cheese contains as high as nutrients in milk such as protein, vitamin, phosphorus, mineral, fiber, and iron. Read here about the useful health benefits of cheese and its nutritional value.

Almonds Have Many Health Benefits – Here Are 8 of Them

This article is about health benefits of eating almonds. It helps us in increasing brain power and in many health issues.

Healthy Living – Three Reasons Why You Should Focus On Hydration

Looking to boost your hydration? If not, it is time to rethink that. Nearly everyone needs to get more fluids into their day, and this fluid should come primarily from water. Often people eat when they are just thirsty. Drinking sufficient amounts of fluid helps to prevent this kind of overeating and has many other benefits as well. Fluid fills the stomach for a short time, and it gives you something to digest that does not necessarily contain calories.

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