Awesome Squat and Deadlift Workout | 61 Year Old’s Squat and Deadlift Day!

DASHing Toward Lower Blood Pressure

Regular check-ups with your physician will allow you to keep on top of your current blood pressure. As you age, it’s common for blood pressure to be become consistently high; this is known as hypertension. There are several risk factors for hypertension you can control, and some you cannot. You can reduce your risk of high blood pressure by focusing on the things you CAN change!

Herbal Teas – A Gentle Way to Assist Your Health

Herbal teas are a great alternative to the usual black tea cuppa. However they are more than just a nice warm drink on a cold night. Herbal teas can have a wonderful positive effect on your immunity and help prevent illness. Herbs have been used in various ways for centuries to help people improve their health.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Are You Eating With Purpose?

In today’s time and age where so many people seem to be constantly dieting, it can be hard to know what to eat that is healthy. Most of us simply let our cravings guide us. What foods do we feel like eating that day? Which foods do we think will most benefit us? Which foods do we have at home? While these are all reasonable questions, they do not necessarily help you choose the best foods to nourish your body. Eating with a purpose is all about thinking more constructively as to why you are eating a particular food and making sure all the foods you do eat have a reason for being consumed. Let us look further at this concept.

What’s Intermittent Fasting All About, And Is It Something You Should Be Doing?

Intermittent Fasting has become more popular than ever in the last few years! There are lots of celebs, PT’s and influencers about who are singing it’s praises in terms of fat loss! In this article I discuss what it involves, the potential advantages and disadvantages, and whether it is right for you!

Healthy Eating – Four Non-Meat Sources Of Protein To Include In Your Diet Plan

If you are aiming to reduce your risk of heart disease, there is no question you are going to be looking into some non-meat options. Meat, while an excellent source of protein, does typically come with a good dose of fat and calories. Both of which will be less than ideal for heart health.The good news is you do not have to sacrifice protein to keep your heart healthy. Below are four protein-rich foods, all of which keep your heart health in mind.

Eat This For A Healthy Summer Skin

Warmer weather is finally upon us, and with that, it seems everyone is trying to look and feel their best while taking advantage of the outdoors. Weight management is certainly a huge part of that, with everyone trying to increase their exercise and improve their diet, but surprisingly skincare is another topic I hear come up all the time.

This WILL Prevent 95% Of All Diseases

Learn the main limiting factor for health, athleticism, stamina and longevity. How you can get all of your daily nutritional needs met. When a nutrient becomes ‘Essential’. Where are the oldest living civilizations. Why most American’s are nutrient deficient.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Four Great Egg-Based Breakfast Ideas

If you are looking to improve your bodyweight control, reduce blood sugar fluctuations, and feel healthier overall, you will want to consider adding eggs to your morning meal. Those who consume eggs as part of their breakfast tend to consume fewer calories later on in the day and also wind up feeling more satisfied and energized after this morning meal. Not sure what to do with your eggs? If you tire of the same old scrambled egg breakfast, then it is time you put a change in place.

12 Local Foods That Amazingly Boost Metabolism

There are some local foods that really boost the metabolism. Let’s check them out.

The Hows and Whys of Hydration

Water is the elixir of life. You can survive for over a month without food, but a week without water is fatal. We take water for granted in First World countries; millions of people worldwide struggle every day for access to clean, fresh water. Read on to learn how to add a fun twist to your water!

How to Eat Healthy Using Simple Healthy Eating Math

Eating healthy should be simple and enjoyable. Instead of making it complicated, we’re going back to basics with simple math to determine our healthy eating grades!

Healthy Eating – Is Your Childhood Holding You Back From Being A Mindful Eater?

Chances are probably high that when you were a kid you did not like to eat vegetables. You may even have had a parent who offered you rewards to finish your greens. Despite their best intentions you probably did not understand the health benefits of vegetables until later in life. You may even have some food experiences that have prevented you from trying a specific food even as an adult. Food experiences as a child are very likely to carry over into adulthood, which is why we need to be careful about the lengths we go to get our children to eat certain foods.

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