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Xylitol: The Perfect Sugar Substitute

Xylitol is a sugar substitute suitable for low carbohydrate recipes requiring sugar. It is gluten-free and with no discernible after taste. It has an effective carbohydrate score of zero making it perfect for diets or conditions where carbohydrates are not desirable.

Do You Need Diet Food Delivered to Your Door?

The alarm clock jerks you from sleep at 5am. From that moment on it is a marathon that involves getting yourself ready, getting the kids ready, making sure their teeth are brushed, preparing lunches for school, and finally, everyone grabs a toaster pastry and heads out the door!

Juicing for Healthy Living

Is juicing important and beneficial? The live cells from the unprocessed fruits are filled with health giving nutrients. This includes all the enzymes and heat sensitive ingredients of the fruit or vegetable.

Effects of Energy Drinks – FDA Warning

Reports released by the Food and Drug Administration in the US suggest that those who consume energy drinks could be consuming unsafe levels of caffeine. In the past four years, the agency has received 90 reports including 13 deaths with energy drinks being a possible cause.

Foods That Have Head Cold Fighting Power

If you have a head cold, there are definitely some foods you should avoid. However, there are just as many foods that you should try to add into your diet to make your cold go away faster. Read here to learn more about them!

Are You Making This Mistake When Trying Lose Body Fat?

Fat makes you fat right? Meats and eggs contain too much fat too, right? So to lose weight you need to eat small meals frequently throughout the day that are low in fat and low in calorie content, right? And of course follow the Food Guide Pyramid, which by the way is no longer a pyramid (it’s a triangle with pie shaped segments representing how you “should” eat).

How to Eat Well

We cannot protect ourselves entirely from these damaging external influences, but we can at least try to tip the balance in our favor. It means choosing foods that are most suited for our health and well-being, safe, nutritious and enjoyable to eat. Industrial coup d’etat over traditional ways of growing and manufacturing food has produced obesity, cancer and diabetes, especially in high-income countries, but this problem is world-wide spread now due to globalism.

Milking Chocolate for Healthy Benefits

I’m making a confession. I am one of the stealth chocoholics. That is bad news and good news-the bad news is that like you, it can be tough for me to turn down a sample of the creamy confection. On the good side, chocolate has health benefits.

Basics of Whey Powder

Many stores and supermarkets today stock whey protein powder isolate on their shelves. Perhaps you’ve wondered to yourself, “What exactly is whey powder.” Why protein powder isolate is a type of nutritional supplement.

Royal Jelly Supplements Are Affordable and Essential to Humans

Royal jelly supplements are necessary when one is unable to take fresh, frozen royal jelly. They could also be bought by a person who cannot afford fresh royal jelly. Although their nutrients are reduced by heat during processing, supplements are still beneficial to your body.

Five Royal Jelly Health Benefits

There are many royal jelly health benefits you can expect. In this article you will discover five of them. Royal jelly, as you may know it already, is a bee product known for its unique healing powers. Several users have posted many positive testimonials to the various sites.

To Carb or Not to Carb!

There are many different views on carbohydrates. Some commentators see carbohydrates as the root of all evil, others recommend a high carbohydrate intake as part of a healthy diet. This article looks at carbohydrate consumption as part of your diet.

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