Complete at Home Shoulder Workout | Dumbbells and Resistance Band Shoulder Workout
Food Awareness For A Healthy Life As the old age goes’ you are what you eat’, eating healthy defines our health and wellness to a large extent. What is needed…
At Home Resistance Band Shoulder Workout (For Beginners!)
Is Today the Day For You For a Change? True change takes laser focus. Commit, focus, and execute. Levers? Brain Chem? What’s the REAL Addiction Stimulus? Brain chemistry has for…
How To Use Resistance Bands To Build Muscle (SIMPLE TIPS!)
Working Out For A Healthier Life The importance of exercise in our lives is a known fact. Making room for exercise in our daily schedule has the following benefits: How…
Intense Resistance Band Workout WITHOUT Door Anchors!
CrossFit and Injury – A Real Perspective Find out the truth behind CrossFit and its training regime. Injury occurs with faulty movement and/or a lack of training. Don’t be that…
How To Use Resistance Bands For Beginners (TRY THIS!)
3 Exercise Tips for Older Adults With Limited Mobility Everyone benefits from exercise. What if your mobility is limited? Here are 3 exercise tips to help you. Hiking In Nature…