6 Worst Things You Can Do Before A Workout (AVOID THESE!)

6 Worst Things You Can Do Before A Workout (AVOID THESE!)

How Gut Health Can Affect Weight Loss AFTER 40

How Gut Health Can Affect Weight Loss AFTER 40

Take Supplements For Inflammation To Support Natural Healing Research is showing that inflammation is linked to numerous diseases from high cholesterol to arthritis. Major contributors to inflammation are processed food…

23 Arm Exercises You Can Do With Only ONE DUMBBELL (Try These!)

23 Arm Exercises You Can Do With Only ONE DUMBBELL (Try These!)

Top 5 Healthy Food Guidelines For Pregnant Women Eating well during pregnancy is important because it impacts the health of the mother and the child. The baby needs an adequate…

Can You Eat Carbs And Still Get A Six Pack? (Here's The Truth!)

Can You Eat Carbs And Still Get A Six Pack? (Here’s The Truth!)

Butter and the Saturated Fat Issue Often misconceptions arise when it comes to the health attributes of certain fats. Over time we’ve taken foods such as butter and eggs, foods…

How Much Fat Can You Lose AFTER 50? (Here's The Truth!)

How Much Fat Can You Lose AFTER 50? (Here’s The Truth!)

Parents and Food: Healthy Role Models? Parental quirks about food and eating may be passed on to their kids, either intentionally or unconsciously. Which messages are you you sending to…

Can You Build Muscle With Isometric Exercises? (TriCon Training!)

Can You Build Muscle With Isometric Exercises? (TriCon Training!)

Choose Gratitude for Well-Being As you celebrate the holidays and plan for a healthier more active you in the new year, give yourself a timeout. Take time to step away…

5 SIMPLE Exercises You Can Do At Home To Improve Your Fitness!

5 SIMPLE Exercises You Can Do At Home To Improve Your Fitness!

Experience the Simplicity of Training in Your Own Home With Resistance Bands The resistance band is a great tool for those that may not have as much experience with free…