Over 60 Leg Workout | Hypertrophy Leg Workout

Over 60 Leg Workout | Hypertrophy Leg Workout

Food Sensitivities – Why Some Foods Work and Others Don’t Having a food sensitivity is just that, your body reacting in certain ways when it encounters a particular food. And…

Over 60 Leg Workout with Big Ken!

Over 60 Leg Workout with Big Ken!

Do You Know How to Read Nutrition Labels? I spoke to a group of parents and children on how to read nutrition labels this weekend and decided it will be…

Over 60 Leg Workout Featuring My New Workout Partners!

Over 60 Leg Workout Featuring My New Workout Partners!

Experiment With A New Healthy Meal Every Week If you get into the habit of trying out one new healthy meal every week, you will potentially have 52 meals under…

Quad Pump Leg Workout | Over 60 High Rep Leg Workout

Quad Pump Leg Workout | Over 60 High Rep Leg Workout

How to Plan a Healthy Menu We know that failing to plan is planning to fail, so we know the importance of simple menu planning can make the day a…

Over 60 Deadlift PR and Awesome Leg Workout!

Over 60 Deadlift PR and Awesome Leg Workout!

Three Messages for National Nutrition Month Happy National Nutrition Month! Yes, that time of the year is here again. Naturally it seems appropriate to write on the topic, so earlier…