Q&A: Dairy | Jada Kelly

The Facts Behind Using High Protein Diets for Weight Loss

Consuming high amounts of proteins as a way of losing weight has been largely misunderstood and vilified. However, these diets have proven overtime to be probably the most effective when it comes to healthy weight loss.

Uses and Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has other health applications beside it use as a popular weight loss diets. Initially developed in 1921 for the treatment of epilepsy in both children and adults, however, the ketogenic diet has a lot of other health application and benefits today.

The Side Effects of Using a Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

Like almost everything on earth, the ketogenic diet is highly effective for achieving healthy weight loss, yet it has some side effects. However, while it does have side effects, not everyone using the diet might experience them.

Ketogenic Diets – Understanding Ketosis and Ketones

The ketogenic diet was designed to intentionally stimulate the state of ketosis in the human body. However, this condition and others related to the production of ketones in the body are often misunderstood.

How the Ketogenic Diet Works in Weight Loss

The ketogenic diet was development to help individual lose weight in healthy and sustainable manner. However, most people are not aware of the exact mechanism of how the ketogenic diet. We highlight the main features of what makes this diet a very unique diet.

Foods You Can Eat on a Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

The ketogenic diet is a very well organized diet. That strict organization also applies to the foods you can eat while on the ketogenic. Consuming these foods will help to ensure that you remain within the state of ketosis.

Foods to Avoid When Using a Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

While using the ketogenic diet for losing weight, it is very important to avoid certain foods in order to remain within ketosis. Here is brief look at some of the foods you should try avoid on a ketogenic diet.

Tips for Exercising When on a Ketogenic Diet

While on a ketogenic diet, most people are of the opinion that exercising might become difficult. However, that is not really the case this articles looks at how we can exercise more effectively even while on a ketogenic diet.

A Brief Overview of the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is a popular and effective weight loss developed in 1921. It has however the years grown and expanded in its usage. Also called a Keto Diet, it is generally a Low Carb-High Fat (LCHF) diet and a low carbohydrate diet.

Is Alkaline Water Extra Healthy Or Just A Hoax?

What is alkaline water? Why drinking alkaline water cannot turn the body alkaline.

Healthy Living – Do You Need Take A Probiotic Supplement?

One of the buzzwords in the health and fitness industry is “probiotics.” These are the healthy bacteria residing in your gut that can help to enhance your immune system while giving your digestive system a boost. You might find yourself asking, should I take probiotics? What’s so special about them? Do they need to be a part of my day? Let us go over these questions and more so you can get this straight in your mind.

Healthy Eating – Three Ways To Add Nutmeg To Your Diet Plan

When it comes to seeing excellent results from your nutrition plan, how you prepare your food is half the equation. You can choose healthy foods, but if you prepare them using high-calorie methods and unhealthy sauces, you are not going to be doing yourself any favors. However, if you cook them using a small amount of olive or coconut oil along with plenty of fresh herbs and spices, you will fare far better and be ready to indulge in a delicious guilt-free dish.

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