7 Best Foods To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels (CHECK YOUR LEVELS!)

6 Healthy Foods That Can Actually Reduce Stress

One of the often overlooked causes of stress is wrong diet, and considering that the rate of obesity is increasing upward along with the number of stressed people in America, there most definitely is a link between the two. Eating junk food regularly deprive the body of essential nutrients and vitamins.

Green Beans: The Snack of Champions!

How can you encourage your kids to eat more green vegetables? Green beans may be the key. Here are tips and ideas to help you in your quest to a healthier lifestyle for your family.

The Best Post-Workout Recovery Drink: Chocolate Milk

Before you completely buy into all the hype that surrounds post-workout protein supplements, consider your other options. Chocolate milk actually has a more complete dose of post-workout nutrients than many popular protein supplements do. Discover which nutrients your protein powder may be lacking and how to best attain these nutrients to achieve optimal results.

Do You Have a Fast Food Addiction?

This paper discusses the warning signs of fast food addiction and what this problem can mean for your eating habits. Recognition of a problem like this is a first step toward finding help to solve it.

Pass On That Low Fat Food

In the past year it seems that the health and fitness industry has grown like a weed in your backyard. Gimmick after gimmick after gimmick has been shoved down your throat to do nothing more than take your hard earned money. On top of the expansion of knowledge there has also been an influx of new products that are also there to generate company profits at your expense.

Does Dehydration Affect Exercise Performance?

“Dehydration” is a common buzzword known by recreational and elite athletes. We know we should prevent it, but why? Does dehydration actually affect performance? The short answer is yes, in this post I talk about the effects of dehydration on aerobic exercise performance.

Choose Omega 3 Fats To Fight Against Inflamation

Inflammation is the chemical and bodily activity that works furiously to manage an injury when the body is hurt. Inflammation is necessary to overcome the injury. But if it continues for a long time, it can cause pain, major discomfort and degeneration of tissue. Inflammation is also increased due to increase in a person’s exercise regime.

Are Your Portion Sizes Too Big? 5 Tips to Make Counting Calories Easier (Simple)

Do you know what healthy portion sizes are? You might be eating too much and not even know it. Check out this article to discover how easy it can be to count calories.

Benefits Of Marine Phytoplankton

What is Marine Phytoplankton? These are microscopic single celled organisms that mostly grow under sea and ocean water. Just like most plants, they require water, sunlight and nutrients for growth. They contain the green coloring matter (chlorophyll) which enables them to manufacture their own foods through photosynthesis. Phytoplankton grow near water surface in order to obtain sunlight. Phytoplankton can also grow in fresh water lakes, ponds and rivers. There are many Phytoplankton Benefits. The following article will provide and explain various benefits of these organisms

Why Do You Think Most Supplement Companies Only Test Their Products In Animals?

Anyone searching for a natural supplement that will help improve their health will run into a maze of conflicting and confusing information and claims that their particular product will cure you of every disease known to man. How do you choose? This article will help you to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Nutritional Immunology Is Good for Your Health

Good nutrition is very important for our health. Learning what to eat, what contains more nutrients than others and what food combinations are more powerful is an important aspect of education in nutritional immunology. The science of nutritional immunology can help you make the difference through prevention.

Reduce Sugar Consumption – It Just Takes a Baby Step

What IS the one thing that could be done… that baby step… to improve health in adults and children alike? Reduce sugar consumption. But how?

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