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Overview of Child Nutrition Facts

Child nutrition is one of the most critical and confusing aspect when it comes to healthcare. Countless parents are confused about what to give their children and what not to give, and many of them err at the side of discretion, finally ending up not giving their children the right kind of nutrition, something that they want and should have. Here is an overview of child nutrition facts that every parent and guardian should know.

What’s The Medifast Macaroni And Cheese Like?

I used to notice that many folks on the Medifast diet would comment on weight loss forums that they wished for pasta to be added to the menu. Yes, you have your sweets (like desserts) and your salty items (like the pretzels and chips.) But where was the pasta? Well, thankfully, Medifast has heard the call because they have recently released their new macaroni and cheese. In this article, I’ll tell you what I think of it in terms of taste and nutritional value.

Tasty Raw Food Diet Recipes

Do you need to have a food dehydrator and avoid your favourite dishes and treats in order to be successful on a raw food diet? Well, when you first start on a raw food diet, you may have to learn to prepare or choose foods in different ways from what you normally do. However, the good news is that you do not necessarily need to have special equipments and stick to boring menus. You can check the thousands of websites that provide easy and yummy raw food diet recipes for free. So, go ahead and try my tasty raw food diet recipes. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it…

Benefits of Raw Living Foods

Eating raw living foods is not something new, rather it has been in practice for a very long time now. Most importantly, the benefits gain from eating raw living foods is widely considered as a phenomenal way to remain in good shape and good health throughout ones lifetime.

Craving Sugar: Why Do I Crave Sugar?

Craving sugar is no laughing matter and in the form of high fructose corn syrup it has found its way into just about every processed food that you can imagine. The food giants have a very cheap source in GMO corn of what is really an addictive substance, but let’s face it, it sells a lot of processed foods!

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fruit Juicing

Juicing alone is a lovely experience. When people begin juicing the first time, they will usually stick with it. It becomes a rewarding and integral part of their daily regimen as they begin to enjoy abundant health and greater energy. But are you juicing the right way?

Going Gluten Free Is Just The First Step

It is believed that prehistoric man suffered from celiac’s disease and that his diet was based solely on foods that they could hunt, gather, or dig up on a daily basis. In keeping with that notion the evolution of our species has started to weed out man’s inability to digest the gluten protein but has lead to another serious problem–obesity. For those that do not know what that is, it is a disease where your body is allergic to a protein called gluten to where the intestine cannot digest it as well as causing damage to the lining…

Why Exercising Helps Keep Us Eating Healthy

Once an individual is finished working out, there is a sense of satisfaction for what was just accomplished. By completing an exercise session, the person is happy with the fact they moved one step closer to getting in the shape they desire. Therefore more than likely when the next meal is considered, something healthy will be chosen. In other words, why would this person workout in the gym for 2 hours just to then go eat a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a soda nullifying the workout?

Vegetable Health Benefits

While mothers all over the world never shy from reminding their kids to eat vegetables, the missing link is in explaining the vegetable health benefits that make eating vegetables worthwhile. Let’s admit it, the taste of many vegetables does not make them great favorites among kids, especially when there are other choices around.

The Health Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Avocado

Avocado has a lot of great health benefits, but it has some disadvantages as well. To find out more about this food, read here.

Drink Quality Water for Improved Health

The human brain is composed of approximately seventy percent water. The entire human body is made up of sixty percent water. So it only stands to reason that our water consumption is one of the most important things we do for our bodies. Drinking quality water can improve your health, improve your moods, and allow you to have more energy.

pH Levels in Your Body Are Key To a Long Life

It’s an often overlooked stat, but the importance of balanced pH levels in your body cannot be overstated. The foods we eat create negative acidity or positive alkalinity, with alkalinity being the desired result. If your pH level doesn’t reflect positively, you are weakening your body’s natural ability to protect itself, and setting yourself up for an unpleasant medical condition.

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