5 HUGE Reasons You’re Struggling To Build Muscle After 40

A Way To Better Health With Acai – What Is Acai?

This most likely was a question for many of us some time ago: What is Acai? Even more interesting, where does it come from? All of this was hardly known to the Western world a decade ago. Even today there are many people who don’t know, or haven’t any idea about the health benefits discovered in this little berry. Not until scientists stumbled across some natives in the Amazon; natives, who had very little food as we know it but were found in good spirit and health.

Healthy Eating – Not All Fats Are Bad, You Need Some Fats to Stay Healthy

In today’s world, many people are cautioned against including too much fatty food in their eating plan. Unfortunately, just as many people consider carbs the enemy, others are under the impression all fats are bad and must be avoided at any cost. They are told they should focus on a low-fat, high-fiber diet to maximize health. Too much fat in people’s diets has traditionally been saturated fat, which raises cholesterol levels and may help to promote cardiovascular disease. This said, not all fats are bad. In fact, you need some fats to stay healthy.

Enjoy Eating Healthy All Day

How can you start eating healthy at home? Anyone who has gone through the weight loss journey will tell you that for the most part, the struggle is with making healthy food choices. Since fast food and processed food are often associated with convenience, it’s hard to let go of old eating (and buying) habits.

Food Poisoning and Specific Ways to Handle It

Consuming poisoned food can be dangerous, even result in death. In this article you will find about the causes of food poisoning, symptoms and remedies to food poisoning.

Discover How to Make Your Own Water Kefir at Home – It’s Quick and Easy

Discover how to make your own delicious, nutritious water kefir at home. It’s fun, easy and inexpensive using common kitchen equipment. Enjoy the same fizz and fun of soda pop without the fake sugar, artificial colors, aspartame and added caffeine. Kids love it!

Eight Reasons to Have Jaggery Powder in Our Kitchen

It’s a name that is a favourite among Desi Dessert addicts, gourmands and anyone with a hard-to-control sweet tooth. It’s also a favourite of chefs, culinary enthusiasts and people who love the nostalgic legacy of Indian cuisine.

Why Is Weight Loss Never “One Thing”?

Some people say they lost weight by doing just one thing. But there’s often more to the story. This article covers those extra things that may contribute to weight loss.

What Are Healthy PH Levels?

The PH ranges from 1 to 14 and 7 neutral, above 7 is Alkaline and below 7 is Acidity. To maintain a healthy body it has to have a PH of 7.4.

50 Reasons You Need Coconut Oil

Whats all the fuss about Coconut Oil? Well Coconut Oil is literally the most diverse product on the market. Not only can you replace all your oil products in the kitchen, but you can also use it as a moisturizer, tooth paste, hair grease, disinfectant for cuts and scrapes, healthy fat substitute and so much more. For now I’m just going to list a few of the health benefits.

Maca Root Superfood

Maca Root is known as the Peruvian Ginseng because of the assortment and thickness of its minerals: calcium, potassium, press, phosphorus, magnesium, silica and zinc. It has been utilized as a part of Peru for perseverance, vitality and hormonal adjust for more than 2,000 years. Keep reading to find out more of it’s amazing health benefits.

Magnesium Deficiency Can Make You Feel Very Ill

If you are suffering from, poor concentration and memory, low energy and adrenal exhaustion, insomnia, depression, muscular and/or menstrual cramps or headaches and migraines, then you may be low on Magnesium. Our body needs magnesium to function properly. We generally find it stored in our organs, bones and a small amount in our blood stream. It is harder to detect a deficiency because of where it is stored and you may not even realize that you are lacking in the vitamin until you start to have the physical signs. The early signs to look out for can include things such as loss of appetite, headache, nausea, fatigue, and weakness.

Buy Organic Tamarind and Grab Health and Taste in One Go

Most biologists know this thingamajig by the name of Tamarindus indica, under Fabaceae. Most homemakers and elders know this miracle pod as the quick fix when one needs a good laxative, digestive, a solution for bile disorders; or in the kitchen, as a condiment or an emulsifying agent in syrups, decoctions, dips and chutneys of many varieties.

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