Shoulder Workout Variation | Big Shoulder Workout

Shoulder Workout Variation | Big Shoulder Workout

5 Foods To Help You Feel Fuller For Longer Has your stomach ever growled in anticipation of lunch, even though you just ate breakfast? At some point, we’ve all fallen…

Chest Workout Variation | Awesome Chest Workout!

Chest Workout Variation | Awesome Chest Workout!

Doc’s Secret: 5 Foods That Boost Your Immune System Worried about flu season sneaking in and messing with your holidays? Find out why holistic doctor, Michael E Rosenbaum, recommends you…

How to Start Working Out

How to Start Working Out

Energy Boosting Help to Fight Fatigue With the holiday season right around the corner I am starting to get lots of questions about how to squeeze a few more activities…

Big Arm Workout | Day 5 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Big Arm Workout | Day 5 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Protein Is So Important! Are You Eating These 3 Foods That People Think Are Protein, But Aren’t? Protein has many benefits. Some foods are considered protein, but aren’t. Make sure…

Big Chest Workout! | Day 4 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Big Chest Workout! | Day 4 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

B Is For Brain – And Wiping Out Sugar Cravings B vitamins are important in stopping sugar cravings and in several other brain functions. This article covers various brain functions…

Big Back Workout! | Day 3 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Big Back Workout! | Day 3 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Try Green Smoothies, To Unlock Nutrition And Great Flavor Perhaps you’ve thought of trying juicing but are not ready to invest in a juicer. You can do almost as well…

Big Shoulder Workout! | Day 2 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Big Shoulder Workout! | Day 2 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Juice, Making The Most Of It For Your Health With Fresh Home Made Juice Easily add healthy fruits and vegetables to your diet. Blending the juices from each brings you…

Big Quads Leg Workout! | Day 1 of my 5 Day Workout Cycle!

Big Quads Leg Workout! | Day 1 of my 5 Day Workout Cycle!

Craving Sweets? Weaning Yourself Off Sugar Many of us go through times in our lives where we over indulge in sweets. The challenge is reigning yourself back in after you…

TRT Update | Plus Supplements I take and a Channel Update

TRT Update | Plus Supplements I take and a Channel Update

Carbs – The Good, Bad, and the Ugly If you want to lose weight, you better cut out all carbs – according to many diets and celebrities. Eliminating such a…

Over 60 Chest Workout Using Resistance Bands and Push Ups

Over 60 Chest Workout Using Resistance Bands and Push Ups

Dragon Fruit Nutrition And Health Benefits The dragon fruit, like the cactus pear, belongs to the cactus family. With its unique shape and vibrant colours, it blooms at night and…