Over 60 Deadlift PR and Awesome Leg Workout!

Three Messages for National Nutrition Month

Happy National Nutrition Month! Yes, that time of the year is here again. Naturally it seems appropriate to write on the topic, so earlier this week I sat down and thought about what “National Nutrition Month” means to me.

Your Guide to a Balanced Organic Diet

We’ve all heard and learned about a balanced diet and why it is important to maintain a balanced diet at each meal. Healthy eating is one of the key pillars of a healthy life. Essentially, a balanced diet refers to a diet of a wide variety of foods packed with essential nutrients, in the right proportions consumed at the right time. A balanced diet must contain starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta, protein-rich foods such as fish, chicken or legumes and lentils, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables for essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, and a few fatty foods.

Crush Your Cholesterol With a Healthy Diet

Lowering your cholesterol level is easier than you might think with the right food choices. Here are some tips to help you decrease your risk of heart disease using food.

8 Health Benefits of Ahi Tuna

Ahi tuna is a widely used seafood that many of you have eaten several times throughout your life, most likely without even realizing it. This high protein superfood is the most common type of tuna you’ll find in the supermarket canned variety.

Ways to Improve Your Health With Diet

There are many different ways to improve your health and many are inexpensive. Our bodies are designed to move toward health. When you injure your body such as bruising or a small cut, your body naturally goes to work to heal itself. You body will also work to move away from disease.

Five Ways in Which You Can Fight Cancer by Having a Nutritious Breakfast

In this article, I have discussed the benefits of having a wholesome breakfast, and how that can help in fighting cancer. The first meal of the day is significant for our diet, hence it is important to choose wisely on what we eat in the morning.

How Fat & Cholesterol Can Strengthen Cognitive Function

Usually when trainers talk about improving cognitive function, people expect them to only talk about exercise. If they do talk about nutrition, people definitely don’t expect to hear advice promoting the consumption of fat & cholesterol. Let’s take a look into the effects that macro-nutrients have on cognitive health; more specifically focusing on fat and cholesterol’s role in cognitive enhancement.

Healthy Eating – How To Maintain Your Diet Over The Weekend

If there’s one thing most people struggle with as they start to make positive changes to their health and fitness, it’s sticking with their healthy eating plan over the weekend. During the week, you’re on the mark. You’re eating healthily, preparing your meals, hitting the gym and so forth. As soon as the weekend comes, however, it’s a whole different story. You sleep in, get up to a cup of coffee and a more elaborate weekend breakfast, and then treat yourself to lunch out with friends.

Organic Matters

Growing health concerns regarding hormones in meats is causing an increasing number of people to choose organic, rather than non-organic foods. What benefits do organic foods offer consumers and their families? Why should they choose to pay higher prices for organic foods when non organic foods look the same and cost much less?

You Might Be Carb Sensitive

Some people are more sensitive to carbohydrates and/or sugar than others. This article covers specific ways you can tell if you’re one of those people.

Sugar Has Health Benefits Too

Do you also think that sugar is a sweet poison? Do you think it plays a role of villain in your life? If yes, then you are absolutely correct, but to an extent. Always remember that if a commodity has some disadvantages then it has some advantages too.

Pump Up Your Pre-Workout Snack for Optimal Performance

Finding the time to exercise is an amazing feat. Giving yourself the proper energy and nutrients it needs to get the most out of your workout is an even greater feat. The issue is that most people aren’t aware of what foods are best before enduring a workout.

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