Leg Accessory Exercises | Accessory Exercises on Lighter Squat Workout Days.

How’s Your New Health Plan Working?

Resolutions can be exhilarating. Failing at them can be frustrating. This article offers a slightly different way to approach, and stick to, your health resolutions for the year.

Is DASH Eating Right for You?

The DASH eating plan was created to help individuals lower or manage their blood pressure without the use of pharmaceuticals. This eating style has also been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels, decrease inflammation, and improve insulin sensitivity. Over time, these dietary changes can help to lower one’s risk of developing stroke or heart disease. Learn more to see if DASH eating is right for you!

The Joyous Benefits of Soy Foods

Soy, coming from the soybean or soya bean, is a tasty and popular legume. Originating in Southeast Asia to be consumed as part of a traditional diet in many countries, soy is packed with delicious plant-based protein and there are many ways to use it. You can opt for your traditional tofu or tempeh (fermented soy) or branch out by using it as an egg or meat alternative (think tofu scramble or veggie burgers). Learn about the nutritional benefits and the many uses of soyfoods.

How Many Carbs Per Day Should I Eat?

It is becoming common knowledge that it’s wise to limit the amount of carbohydrates we eat. However, it is difficult to determine what are bad versus good carbs and how many carbs per day should we consume. This article will give significant information about dietary carbohydrates and how to know how many carbs we can have in our diet.

Holiday Temptations? Get a Jump on January!

Holiday is a wonderful time to feel safe and loved. That can be difficult for those with food addictions because of all the temptations. This article covers some suggestions for dealing with temptations and getting past them.

Don’t Allow Guilt To Sabotage Your Weight Loss

Guilty feelings related to certain foods may cause people to eat more than they would want to in higher-stress situations. This is why changing your mindset toward food may help with your weight-loss goals. Your mindset about the food you eat even affects how well it nourishes your body.

How Eating the Right Foods Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Our digestive system is the root of all health! It’s where you get nutrition for every cell in your body, including support for your immune system. If it is irritated, inflamed or constipated, it cannot function properly and health will steadily decline as a result. IBS is the most common gut problem experienced, affecting up to 20% of the population. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is often chronic and can adversely impact day-to-day activities. Although there is no miracle cure, medicines and diet can help control symptoms, which generally include stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation. A suitable diet and exercise are key factors in helping to live more comfortably with IBS.

Alkaline Foods and Minerals for Your Alkaline Diet

The pH balance of the food you consume should be 20% acidic and 80% alkaline. The primary goal of the diet is to maintain the balance of the pH level in your bloodstream. Since most people love to have acidic foods, it is harder for them to maintain the balance.

6 Ways to Add Flaxseed to Your Meals

Flaxseed provides a lot of health benefits when added to your meals. Here are 6 ways to reap the health benefits of flaxseed.

5 Foods to Eat for Eye Health

What you eat can impact the health of your eyes. Learn what foods to include in your daily diet to maximize your eye health.

What You Should Know About Your Weight Loss Products

The urge of looking slim and trim is great. Most of us are tempted to buy weight loss supplements as we see them displayed in market in attractive packing and influential cover.

The Myriad of Benefits of Online Supplement Store

Many of us are scared of online purchasing. Buying supplements online is a daunting task for the newbie. However if you buy supplements online, it is highly recommended that you complete your homework with complete sincerity before placing your order.

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