Super Quads Workout | Squats and more! Never too old to get Stronger!
Healthy Bones Need Vitamin D Vitamin D is essential to helping your body to absorb calcium, which increases healthy bone density and calcium levels in the bloodstream. A vitamin D…

Leg Accessory Exercises | Accessory Exercises on Lighter Squat Workout Days.
How’s Your New Health Plan Working? Resolutions can be exhilarating. Failing at them can be frustrating. This article offers a slightly different way to approach, and stick to, your health…

The Squat | Squat Training Over 60! This 61 Year Old’s Squat Workout
I Can’t Do It: Why So Few Have Any Hope of Discovering and Sustaining a Wellness Lifestyle Studies have shown that most people can’t do it, that is, cannot sustain…