Can You Eat Carbs And Still Get A Six Pack? (Here’s The Truth!)

Butter and the Saturated Fat Issue

Often misconceptions arise when it comes to the health attributes of certain fats. Over time we’ve taken foods such as butter and eggs, foods that for a large part of human history have been staples in the diet, and suddenly decided that they cause heart attacks. In our attempt to make for a healthy diet we often listened to so-called experts that are misguided in the way they analyze data from testing, and soon that information is taken as fact.

Enumerating the Myriad Reasons for Going Vegetarian

We, humans, are a race that is driven by motives and physical requirements. While food quenches our hunger, success comes in as an addiction for many.

Practical Tips For Healthy Eating

An effective weight management program promotes the consumption of a healthy, balanced meal. It involves eating the right quantity of calories depending on how active you are. This helps a great deal in ensuring a balance between the energy consumed and energy used.

Helpful Advice On Nutrition

Good nutrition is required for good health. When you consult with a doctor or nutritionist, he/she will offer helpful nutrition advice. If the doctor has talked with you about a risk factor or a medical condition, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, foods that contain lots of vitamins and minerals (including vegetables, fruits, and non-fat dairy and whole grains) will be recommended for you.

The Best Doctor in the Philippines

How many times has your doctor told you to “Boost your immune system by taking vitamin C, eating fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, and sleeping early”? I bet you don’t remember.

Are You A Food Addict?

Is obesity a disease or an addiction? I have been pondering this one recently disease or an addiction. Obesity is now classed as a disease in the America. This has obviously raised a lot of questions on whether this is right. Do the people have no choice about their diet and what they eat?

Remember That Fat Lasts Longer Than Flavor

Remember these key words – fat lasts longer than flavor. They may help you to start turning things around and improve your health. In other words, the memory of how this meal tasted will be long gone but that fat will remain until it is worked off in some form of exercise. If you are excessively eating on a daily basis, you can figure out why it is so difficult to lose weight on a consistent basis.

11 Somewhat Surprising Smoothie Ingredients You Should Try

Tired of the same old smoothie recipe? Try adding one of these somewhat unusual smoothie ingredients and discover a whole new world of smoothie-making!

Why To Follow A Paleo Diet

Personal trainer Swansea Richard Clarke talks about the paleo diet. He says why he recommends his clients follow this approach.

What Should I Choose at the Canteen?

It can be confusing to know what to choose when you’re faced with a huge amount of choice in a queue at the canteen or cafeteria. This article lays out some guidelines already in place and summaries these into a few simple steps.

Quest Bar Review

If you are interested in working and remaining young, fit and healthy, then it is highly likely that you indulge in a few protein bars from time to time. However, what you do not know is that most of the protein bars in the market are simply sweetened candy bars that have been given a ‘face lift’ of some sorts. This is done by increasing the protein content of the candy bar, in order to make it look more attractive than it actually is.

Fueling For Cycling Stage Races (Without Sugar!)

How you eat before, during and after stage races can make a difference in your performance. These tips are designed to help you fuel and refuel for stage races and optimize your energy during and after the stages.

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