Big Quads Leg Workout! | Day 1 of my 5 Day Workout Cycle!

Craving Sweets? Weaning Yourself Off Sugar

Many of us go through times in our lives where we over indulge in sweets. The challenge is reigning yourself back in after you start. Sugar is so addictive that even after only a few treats, you may start craving sugar throughout your day. This can start a cycle that will keep you reaching for sugar unless you begin to incorporate some other choices into your diet. You can wean yourself off of your sweet cravings by having something else to reach for when the craving hits.

How Can Whole Food Concentrates Compliment Whole Food Nutrition?

Trying to eat a spectrum of whole foods can sometimes be challenging with busy lifestyles and geography. You might live where variety is hard to come by and too busy to be diligent about consumption. One way to enhance your nutritional intake is by complimenting your diet with whole food concentrates. This allows you to add a variety of micronutrients to your diet in a form that is highly bioavailable.

How Can I Boost My Immune System And Protect Myself And My Family From The Flu

All around you your coworkers, friends and the clerk at the grocery store are sneezing and coughing. Besides washing your hands, what can you do to protect yourself and your family from their germs? Protect yourself with food: Get vitamin C from fruits; oranges, kiwi, papaya are the highest sources.

Are Wheat and Whole Grains Killing You?

You bet wheat (grains) are killing you-according to Dr. William Davis, a medical doctor and author of the best-selling book, Wheat Belly. The path of destruction is deep and wide and global in every sense of the word. If wheat were a pathogen, it would be equivalent to a full-blown pandemic of the Ebola virus.

Eat the Rainbow for Maximum Health and Vitality

The World Health Organisation recommends that a minimum of 400 grams (or nearly one pound) of fruit and vegetables should be eaten every day to maximise health and wellbeing. Fruit and vegetables include a whole host of health benefits, and consumption of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day helps prevent a range of lifestyle related diseases.

High Blood Pressure and The DASH Diet

This article explores the benefits of using a scientifically proven diet to manage high blood pressure. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet recommends the inclusion of fruits vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, chicken, fish and nuts and seeds as a way of reducing the amount of saturated fat and salt in the diet. The inclusion of fish, nuts and seeds ensures healthy dietary fats are being included as well.

Eating This Carbohydrate Is A Major Health Threat (And You Do It Every Day)

If you knew that every time you consume this food you are risking your health, would you stop eating (or drinking) it? This article discusses sugar as a significant health hazard and what you can do to decrease the risks associated with consumption. It also describes the benefits (including fast weight loss) of sugar restriction.

How To Eat Healthier: 4 Guiding Principles of Nutrition

Learn why good nutrition is important. Then, learn how to eat healthier with 4 guiding principles of good nutrition.

Fresh Fruit Choices Contribute To Better Health

Looking to change bad eating habits such as candy bars, chips and other junk food? Fresh fruit is the solution to improving your overall health, and helps prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease.

The Many Benefits of Fruit

Enzymes, fiber, vitamins, minerals, delicious taste, sweetness, texture, the list of benefits that you can gain from including fresh fruit in the diet is pretty lengthy. However, there are always ways that you can optimize your diet by choosing fruits at the right time and in the right ways.

Transitioning Away From Sugar and Carbs – Not Just A Weight Loss Issue!

Oftentimes, when people talk about cutting back on their “carb” intake, they’re doing so for weight loss purposes. In reality, the consequences of excess “carbs” in the diet are far more significant than a weight issue. The first step to successfully making a healthy lifestyle upgrade is to understand why it’s so important, as well as the consequences of making (or not making) that upgrade.

Sliced Apples: What’s Great to Pair It With?

Sliced apples may be considered by some as the entire snack they will be munching on for the rest of the afternoon. Having sliced fruits as snacks is an exercise of good health since you are introducing the good stuff in your body. Just imagine the amounts of vitamin, minerals and fiber that your body receives daily all because you have a great appreciation for fruits.

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