3 WORST Mistakes Men Over 40 Make When Trying To Lose Weight (AVOID!)

Family Eating Times

Too many families will eat at separate times. We always make sure that we eat together wherever possible, I think it bonds us closer. Try it, eat together and concentrate on what your doing.

Why You Need BCAA

BCAAs are the new mantra in body building. But are they really worth it the money? Why do you need them? Read on to find out!

Fighting the Flu Through Vaccination

When we think of the major threats to our national security, the first to come to mind are nuclear proliferation, rogue states and global terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our shores, one from nature, not humans – an avian flu pandemic.” – Barack Obama, June 2005

How To Stay Looking Young And Improve The Way You Feel Naturally

There are a million and one anti-aging products out there but Mother Nature is still best. Mangosteen is a fruit that was loved by Queen Victoria and today is loved by the world over and once mixed with other vitamins and minerals it does amazing things for your skin.

Carbs Are A Weight Loss Ally?

People inherently fear carbs but that shouldn’t be the case. Good carbs can be a great ally in the weight loss battle because they keep you full, fill you up faster, and give you energy throughout the day! It’s time for a mindset change!

Cut the Soda Consumption With These Great Water Alternatives

One of the best ways to start losing weight is to stop drinking sugary drinks like soda! This can be accomplished by drinking more water, but many people dislike it’s taste. Instead try drinking tea, infused waters, and even flavor packets to stop drinking soda and start drinking more water!

How to Make Your Comfort Foods Healthy

When the weather is cold, it is probably the easiest time of year to curl up in a blanket on the sofa with the fire on and some lovely comfort foods. I think that’s honestly what everyone wants to do, but sadly we know that doing this too often can lead to some serious weight gain.

To Eat Or Not To Eat – Weight Management, Motivation for Change

As a toddler, Jackie was usually satisfied after eating small amounts of food, unless it was candy, chocolate and such. Her dad, aiming for good, warned her of the dire consequences of not maintaining a nutritious diet; for example, she would never grow taller than a five-year-old. Jacky believed her dad, the principal authority in her life.

Is Sugar Good or Bad for Health?

This article demonstrates how easy it is to figure out if different sugars are good or bad for health. Sugars can be great for health or awful for health. Learn how to tell the difference. Also learn how to tell what foods are good for health easily and quickly.

9 Diet Foods You Should Never Eat

Many of the diet foods you’re eating are actually doing more harm than good. Learn what some of these foods are so you can avoid their negative health implications.

How To Tackle A Cheat Day

Personal trainer Llanelli Jamie Stedman discusses the best ways to approach a cheat day and what to avoid doing at all costs. Cheat days can be very effective in allowing you to stick to a healthy eating program.


There are words we like to discourage using. Particularly troublesome are the four letter words. One that folks really hate using is the “Diet” word. As a matter of fact, research from the NPD Group shows that in 2012, only 23 percent of women say they were on a diet. When women were surveyed in 1992, 34 percent said they were dieting. Now this is not to say folks don’t need to diet, but attitudes have changed.

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