Overhead Press Grip | Wide or Narrow? How I do OHP’s
Getting Familiar With Spinach Leaves If you are among the Baby Boomer and the Generation X generations, you might know who Popeye is. He is a sailor who is always…
Complete at Home Shoulder Workout | Dumbbells and Resistance Band Shoulder Workout
Food Awareness For A Healthy Life As the old age goes’ you are what you eat’, eating healthy defines our health and wellness to a large extent. What is needed…
Super Shoulder Workout | 61 Year Old’s Shoulder Workout
Confirmed, Red Meat Unhealthy? Red meat consumption for humans is a controversial topic among many medical professionals. Some believe red meat to be healthful while others maintain that red meat…
Overhead Presses | And Shoulder Workout! Never Too Old to Get Stronger!
Does Winter Affect Our Eating Style? Some opine that eating more in winter is a biological need while others say that it’s more of a psychological behaviour. Whatever be the…
Shoulder Workout for Strength and Growth | Never Too Old to Get Stronger!
Healthy Eating – Is The Mediterranean Diet For You? A diet plan you may have heard about if you have been doing your research on the many different healthy eating…
60 Plus Fitness! Simple Shoulder Workout | Simple and Effective Shoulder Workout
Exercises and Workouts – How To Prevent Elbow Tendonitis When Working Out If there is one injury that will slow your workout down in a hurry, it is tendonitis. Different…