Shoulder Workout Variation | Big Shoulder Workout

Shoulder Workout Variation | Big Shoulder Workout

5 Foods To Help You Feel Fuller For Longer Has your stomach ever growled in anticipation of lunch, even though you just ate breakfast? At some point, we’ve all fallen…

Big Shoulder Workout! | Day 2 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Big Shoulder Workout! | Day 2 of My 5 Day Workout Cycle

Juice, Making The Most Of It For Your Health With Fresh Home Made Juice Easily add healthy fruits and vegetables to your diet. Blending the juices from each brings you…

An Excellent Shoulder Workout | With Overhead Presses!

An Excellent Shoulder Workout | With Overhead Presses!

Healthy Green Tea to Lower Your Blood Pressure, and More There are certain foods that should be a part of every person’s diet, even if they don’t particularly care for…

Great Over 60 Shoulder Workout | Featuring OHP's and Shrugs

Great Over 60 Shoulder Workout | Featuring OHP’s and Shrugs

To Shed Belly Fat: Balance Your Meals A balanced meal is essential for good health. In this article I share the proper proportions and the most healthful choices. The Benefits…

Old Guy Chest and Triceps Workout | Super Chest and Triceps Day

Old Guy Chest and Triceps Workout | Super Chest and Triceps Day

How Toxic Is Refined Sugar Everywhere you go rather, it’s the grocery store, coffee shop, drug store, gas station or convenience store, you see lots of drinks and food on…

Quick Chest and Triceps Workout with Bench Presses

Quick Chest and Triceps Workout with Bench Presses

Juicy Details of a Juice Diet Treat your body like a temple’, and everyone seems to be health conscious giving a rise to numerous diets from the warrior, Atkins, paleo,…

My Favorite Shoulder Workout! | Super Over 60 Shoulder Workout!

My Favorite Shoulder Workout! | Super Over 60 Shoulder Workout!

Is Your Health And Wellness Really That Important To You? Then Do Something About It! It is easy to talk about health and wellness but difficult to do anything about…