Hard and Heavy Leg Workout | Fitness Over 60!

Hard and Heavy Leg Workout | Fitness Over 60!

Survive Flu Season: 6 Nutrition Tricks to Stay Healthy Your diet has a major impact on how well your immune system will be able to fight off the common cold…

Back and Biceps Workout | Old Guy Back and Biceps Day!

Back and Biceps Workout | Old Guy Back and Biceps Day!

Diet Vs Training – Which Is More Important for Improving Body Composition? I’m sure we’ve all heard of the expressions ‘Abs are made in the kitchen’ or ‘You can’t out…

Chest Workout At Home (NO BENCH NEEDED!)

Chest Workout At Home (NO BENCH NEEDED!)

THIS Shouldn’t Be in My Food! Unfortunately, the situation is all-too-familiar. You’re at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal, when suddenly a long piece of hair sticks out of your…

Super Leg and Squat Workout!

Super Leg and Squat Workout!

Heart Healthy Foods: From Almonds to Watermellon If you have a history of heart problems in your family you should be taking care of your diet to give yourself the…

Vacation Workouts! | Our latest Vacation Workout Plan!

Vacation Workouts! | Our latest Vacation Workout Plan!

Create An Arsenal Of Kitchen Equipment You will find the more you focus on preparing meals at home on a regular basis, you will slowly develop a fully stocked arsenal…

My Big Leg Workout | Leg Workout with Deadlifts!

My Big Leg Workout | Leg Workout with Deadlifts!

The Endless Calorie Counting Debate Are you one of those people who can’t part from their calorie counter apps, feeling completely lost and out of control without it? Do you…