Squat and Deadlift Leg Workout! | My Over 60 Leg Workout!
Splendiferous Whole Grain Foods: Whole Rice, Bamboo Rice, Foxtail Millet And Sorghum Grains should be handled naturally and not tampered with so much as in processes that help shorten cooking…

My New Over 60 Deadlift PR | Old Guy Deadlifting
Serotonin: Good For Mood, Bad For Endurance Serotonin is a mood-boosting brain chemical. It increases when we exercise — but that’s not always good. This article covers the connection between…

Squat and Deadlift Workout | Never Too Old To Get Stronger!
Healthy Eating – Important Information To Look For In A Protein Powder Are you on the hunt for a new protein powder? There is no shortage of options. One walk…

Old Guy Deadlifts | Pursuing a 500 LB Deadlift at 61 Years Old.
Choose Coconut Oil to Boost Your Immune System You may have noticed that a short while ago a certain product was reported to be unhealthy for humans, and then a…

Old Guy Deadlift Squat Workout | Never Too Old to Get Stronger
Cooling Meals For Hot Summer Days Those hot summer days where you can’t escape the heat are the very last days you want a warm meal. We can attempt to…

Awesome Squat and Deadlift Workout | 61 Year Old’s Squat and Deadlift Day!
DASHing Toward Lower Blood Pressure Regular check-ups with your physician will allow you to keep on top of your current blood pressure. As you age, it’s common for blood pressure…

Over 60 Strength Training! Old Guy Deadlift Workout! (61 Years Old…)
Turkish Get Ups With Water Bottles And The Whole Puzzle Of The Athletic Game This is an article about fine tuning the Turkish Get Up exercise and also discusses the…