Q&A: Calories In vs. Calories Out | Jada Kelly

Eating This Dietary Fat Will Help You Burn Fat

Most dietary fats are generally considered to be “bad” with regard to health and fitness. However, there is one type of dietary fat that has proven capability to burn off excess body fat.

Is The Stevia On The Shelf At Food Stores Really That Good For You? Part 2

Part 2 So we got as far in part 1 to the bit where we examined the extensive processing that goes on to produce the stevia that you find on the shelves in food stores. Let’s continue to speak a little more on the end product..

Is The Stevia On The Shelf At Food Stores Really That Good For You? Part 1

This article examines whether the processed Stevia you buy as a powder off the supermarket shelf is really that good for you. We need to be very aware of the problems associated with processing all foods and processing Stevia is no different.

How To Get Calcium Without Drinking Cow’s Milk

This article examines different ways to get the calcium your body needs without having to eat and or drink dairy products including cow’s milk. There are many other ways to get your daily intake of calcium.

7 Ways That Ashwagandha Can Improve Your Health & Vitality

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that has been used for over 3000 years in Ayurvedic medicin. This article explores 7 things that it can do to enhance and restore health and wellbeing in your body.

Is Your Keto Diet Clean or Dirty?

At CrossFit Diet Tips we have wrote extensively about a good diet program for athletes. Whether you follow a keto style diet, or stick to a Paleo regimen, there are good ways and bad ways to do it. A name alone does not describe a particular diet program. You can follow one to the letter, but if the foods you are using are of poor quality, you may be doing more harm than good. In this article we will focus on the ketogenic (keto) diet.

Camel Milk And Autoimmune Diseases

Camel milk offers many benefits, even autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune diseases are typically some of the toughest to treat with modern medicine. These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and ankylosing spondylitis. All of these diseases are classified as autoimmune disorders because they each have an affinity for attacking the body’s healthy cells. Odds are, you know at least one person with an autoimmune disease. It is also quite plausible that you may be experiencing something similar.

CrossFit Diet and Probiotics

Probiotics are a great way to increase the benefits from a healthy diet. A CrossFit athlete must not only eat properly, but should also entertain the use of a good probiotic supplement to insure they are using their food energy efficiently. Unfortunately, many of the probiotics sold today are a waste of money and may also be harmful. In this article I would like to make aware, the scams from the legit probiotic supplement.

A Simple Supplement To Help Back And Joint Pain

As a chiropractor, back pain is obviously a common reason for people to visit our Rapid City office. Besides an adjustment, back pain is typically treated with rest, pain medication, injections, or surgery. Hopefully most instances can be alleviated with a chiropractic adjustment. New research has shown that collagen supplements are very beneficial to treat and prevent back or joint pain.

Why Is Taking Antioxidants a Bad Idea?

Oxidation can be good, and it can be bad. Although this complex subject calls for extensive explanation, this article contains neither. It presents a few simple facts, along with an equally simple outline of steps for better health — steps that are easy to follow.

Dietary Fats – Understanding Some Basic Concepts

The idea of cutting back on dietary fats in order to lose weight might just be depriving your body of one of its most essential nutrients. Therefore you need a proper understanding of the role of dietary fats not only in weight loss but also in general well-being.

Food Choices Vs. Nutritional Sabotage

Ever heard the expression the road to hell is paved with good intentions? We go on these fad diets, “healthy, clean eating” programs, where we eliminate entire food groups. Are we better off? Before we make any sweeping generalizations, let’s look at the science, what we really could be doing to ourselves over the long haul.

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