How To Test Your Functional Strength AFTER 50 (Pass or Fail?)

The Dietitian Vs Nutritionist Verdict

The differences between a nutritionist and a dietitian can be rather superficial. Both these words have the tendency to sound alike and hold no difference between them. The subject of dietitian vs nutritionist is an omnipresent concern. There is but a significant difference between them and they also differ when pertaining to the laws of different nations.

Why Is a Dietitian Important?

Our diet and nutrition are important factors that keep us healthy. No matter how much rest and exercise we do, if we don’t consume the right food and lack certain nutrients, this can still pose a serious health problem. Being in the best of health is what everyone wants. This would mean being tough physically and having a strong immune system. If you want a healthier you and a better lifestyle, this is probably the time where dietitian services are needed.

The Need for A Nutritionist

An expert in nutrition works as a nutritionist consultant and together with a registered diet professional, they make use of food items as well as nutrition science to deal with health and overall diet problems. Typically, the primary benefit of being an expert in nutrition is the capability to be connected to and encourage individuals on their nutritional needs.

The Role of Dietitians and Nutritionists

Eating right within the correct range of calories to maintain that svelte or lean figure you’ve worked out so hard for can be quite a challenge. With the blooming surge of fast-food outlets and unhealthy eating habits adopted by young urchins as early as five years of age, cases of obesity and diabetes along with other extensive health complications has been irrevocably on the rise within the past few decades.

N: Nutrition – What to Eat

The Bible says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31. And, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,” 1 Corinthians 6:19.

55 Years Old & Never Tasted Meat!

I know it’s hard for many to comprehend, but I feel very blessed to be able to say that I’ve never tasted even one bite of meat, of any kind… no fish, chicken, beef or pork. And for the last 42 years, I’ve been a complete VEGAN… no dairy products whatsoever. I’m 55 years old, full of energy and I can keep up with many 20 & 30 year olds.

N – Nutrition: What Not to Eat

Nutrition is the first link in the Health Chain – NEW START. There are so many aspects to the subject of Nutrition.

Are Vitamins Different From Minerals? Ask a Naturopathic Doctor!

Consuming a proper amount of nutrients should be your utmost priority for keeping your body healthy and various illnesses away. Vitamins and Minerals are very different from each other and provide different nutritional value. Read on to learn about the differences between the two and what does your body need.

4 Golden Rules of Nutrition

These 4 golden rules of nutrition are very vital for physical development. This insight will be useful in regards to applying the necessary changes in diet to ones approach for positive results.

Fueling Your Fire (Eat More Often to Lose Weight)

Eating more frequently throughout the day is a great way to speed up your metabolism and assist you in your weight loss goals. This article explains how.

Top 3 Superfoods for Superheroic Wellness

Read about my handpicked, top three superfoods from different food categories — vegetable, seed and fruit — that are renowned for their unmatched nutrient-packed properties and health benefits. These three foods don’t just taste great but they are also readily available in supermarkets near you. Find out how you can transform and endow your body with superheroic wellness.

Snacking Can Be Healthy If You’re Choosing the Right Ingredients

Healthy snacking does not just satisfy your taste buds but promotes your health and wellness as well. With improved health, you can surely become a better person physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. There are many food options which are very healthy. However, in choosing the type of food you eat, certain considerations are necessary. One of the most important things you need to check with the food you consume: Has it got nutritive value?

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