Do You Have To Train To Failure To Build Muscle AFTER 40? (Here’s The Truth!)

The Single Best Reason To Eat Organic

Why organic meat should be your choice. Read about conventionally kept animals and solutions for carnivores.

Why A Plant-Based Diet Matters

A plant-based diet caters to your need for variety in your diet. The different colors of varied whole foods are closely bound up with their phytochemical content. You can also tap the healing powers of natural foods, though not for instant results. Further, the chlorophyll of greens will help you make it through life. Finally, the way food is prepared will affect the outcome of a plant-based diet.

Do the Switch: How to Go From Processed to Whole Foods

What is processed food? Is it good for your health? Are calories in processed food the same as calories in natural or whole food? How does it affect my weight? When you look at the ingredients label, do you know what these ingredients are?

Food That Helps Promote Healthy Bones

Whether you have problems with weak bones or you just want to make sure that your bones stay strong, diet is crucial. This is true when you are young and still growing, when you are old and your bones are starting to deteriorate, or the time in between those two, when you can build up your bones. There are also exercises and supplements that can help with this, but I will only deal with the benefits that can be achieved from diet.

How Your Favourite Diet Soda Makes You Fat

People are piling on the pounds and one of the many reasons for this is soda. Whether you indulge in bottles, glasses or cans of liquid, drinking soda is a poor choice if you want to remain slim and healthy.

Anti Inflammatory Foods – A Must Know To Avoid Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammation is part of our body’s immune response. Without inflammation, then the body will be unable to heal. Arthritis is mainly an “acidic” condition, related to the inflammation and pain that typifies this disease. The most common form is osteoarthritis; this comes from a slow degeneration of cartilage, which is the cushion tissue that lines the joints. Joints mainly affected by arthritis are the knee, hips, fingers and the vertebrae of the spine. This type of illness is often confused with osteoporosis which is another serious health issue that affects the bones. Osteoporosis is when your bones become fragile and brittle, losing minerals such as calcium faster than the body can replace them. This leads to low bone density and high risk of fractures. To treat this type of illness would be entirely different to treating rheumatoid arthritis.

What Your Nutritionist Wishes You’d Stop Doing

Even if you don’t work with a nutritionist, the points covered in this article offer several straightforward ways to improve your food habits. If you do work with a nutritionist, she/he will be glad to see the changes.

Why Can’t I Just Eat What I Want, When I Want? You Can And Still Care For Your Body

Eating what we want, when we want seems to be the mantra of many today especially in the more affluent societies… to wit – North America. The cry of modern-day sociologists is that we can do what we want, when we want and to who we want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. When it comes to caloric intake and health and wellness, we cannot eat what we want, when we want and expect our bodies to perform as they were designed. Eating more wisely and eating for health is a learned habit that must be practiced daily. It is not a matter of self denial, but a matter of knowing how our bodies work in terms of digestion, absorption and elimination of the nutrients with which we fill them. Some nutrients come from the food we ingest and some must come from supplements. Here are some facts and fallacies that will help you make wise decisions.

5 Healthy Low Fat Snacks for Weight Loss

You don’t have to feel guilty about having a snack if your stomach is rumbling and there are still hours to go until your next meal. But what you might think are healthy snack foods can be filled with hidden calories.Here are 5 quick, easy and good snacks for diets that you can easily consume throughout the day.

Glucose, Fructose and Why the Glycemic Index Is Misleading

The Glycemic Index can be misleading because it only measures glucose. It doesn’t measure fructose or glucose-fructose blends. This results in high fructose products having a low GI rating, and falsely positions the product as a healthier, better choice when it’s not. All the major caloric sweeteners are compared and the simple “Rule of Three” is taught for making more informed product purchase decisions.

You Can Run From Healthy Eating, But You Shouldn’t Hide From It – Healthy Eating Is A Must Lifestyle

Healthy eating, especially when eating out, does not always equate to higher and unaffordable food costs. Junk foods may appear cheaper to buy but are not really inexpensive. They do have costly results on our health and wellness. When our food budget constrains us from buying healthy foods, we sometimes run from the good to the bad. We can convince ourselves that even though we consume ‘bad’ calories, our bodies will still get the nutrients that we need to be healthy. Regardless of the food choices we make, nutritional supplements are a must. We shouldn’t run from them and we shouldn’t run from healthy eating just because of cost. We choose our lifestyle and healthy eating is a must lifestyle choice.

5 Healthy Vegetables To Include in Your Diet

As we all know, vegetables are a paramount source of nutrition and vitamins to include in your diet. They reduce many chronic diseases including heart attacks and strokes and are important for keeping a fit and healthy body. Below are 5 vegetables that one should include in their diet: Broccoli – they are full off Vitamin K and C which provide a great source of fiber, folate and potassium.

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