Chest Workout At Home (NO BENCH NEEDED!)

THIS Shouldn’t Be in My Food!

Unfortunately, the situation is all-too-familiar. You’re at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal, when suddenly a long piece of hair sticks out of your casserole. Or maybe you’re at home making a frozen dinner and you find a dead fly in what is supposed to be a delicious meal.

Basics of Salmonella

Everyone has heard of it, but most people actually know very little about it. Salmonella is a group of bacteria that is responsible for more yearly cases of foodborne illness in the US than anything else. Get informed so that you can prevent, recognize, and deal with Salmonella appropriately.

What Is The PH Balance Diet And Why It’s Great For Your Health

So we all know there’s hundreds, thousands maybe even millions of different diets and diet books out there. When looking through an array of offerings, wondering which diet is the best, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, confused and to give up, thinking “ah, life’s short, I’ll just eat what I want; everything in moderation right?” Well to an extent that’s true and also, in terms of wanting a weight loss/management diet, you can’t go far wrong with the simple adage – burn more calories than you consume and you’ll be doing OK.

Why It’s Cost Effective To Choose Healthy Foods

I hear many reasons to not choose healthy foods. You know what, most are wrong. Here’s why it’s cost effective to choose healthy foods.

New Food Labelling Guidelines for the United Kingdom

New food labelling guidelines has been published by the UK Government. It details the recommendations into how pre packed foods should be labelled. However it must be taken into consideration that this type of food labelling is voluntary for food companies.

The Key To Good Health Is Simple, Though Not Easy

The basic principles about maintaining good health throughout life are relatively simple. In the absence of some bad luck, following some simple and basic principles will help protect your health throughout your life. However although it’s simple that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy.

Health and a Handbag

Women spend millions of dollars each year on purses and handbags, yet many claim they can not afford to eat high quality food. This article takes a look at this.

Senior Nutrition: Hydration and Healthy Aging

Water and hydration is important for staying healthy as we age. Unfortunately, many studies show that seniors and the elderly are not drinking as much water as they should. This results in many negative physical and mental effects that could have been avoided with a glass of water!

The Benefits of Going Raw

Wondering about whether the raw food diet is a good choice for you? Read on to learn some of the health benefits from this lifestyle.

Proper Food for the Body According to Modern Physics

Many have written about the health benefits or lack thereof of certain foods for the body. Typically these perspectives focus on the effect that certain foods have on being either causes or preventers of health issues. However modern physics findings offer a different perspective on what proper food for the body really is.

A Few Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results in the Gym and How to Combat the Problem

Many of us have tried to get fit, but for some reason we seem to be able to not get anywhere at all. We try the latest diets and supplements, we buy the hottest wear, and we join the best gyms in the area. Yet we still can’t get to where we want to be at weight wise.

Neuropathy Treatment Nutrition: Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, or niacin, is a nutrient that, like all vitamins, is essential to health and life. Vitamin B3 helps our bodies convert food into energy, burn fat properly, and is largely responsible for helping us feel energized!

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