Foods That Whiten Your Teeth Teeth whitening at the dentist or the use of home whitening kits can be, for some of us, quite difficult. In this article are presented…

Upper Body Workout For Men Over 50 - Part 2 (DROP SET DESTRUCTION!)

Upper Body Workout For Men Over 50 – Part 2 (DROP SET DESTRUCTION!)

My At Home Shoulder Workout | Resistance Bands Dumbbells Body Weight | Fitness Over 60!

My At Home Shoulder Workout | Resistance Bands Dumbbells Body Weight | Fitness Over 60!

Coconut Oil I wanted to write a quick article on Coconut oil and some of the health benefits associated with it. As many of you know, I am an advocate…

How To Reduce Chest Fat Fast AFTER 50 (Get A Good Looking Chest!)

How To Reduce Chest Fat Fast AFTER 50 (Get A Good Looking Chest!)

Energy Gels: What Makes a Good One, What They Do and Their Importance in Ride Fuelling Something that I’m sure every cyclist knows something about is energy gels. But what…

At What Age Should You STOP Working Out? (Here's The Truth)

At What Age Should You STOP Working Out? (Here’s The Truth)

3 Kid-Friendly Desserts With 3 Ingredients or Less Are you trying to cut back on the processed, sugary sweets your kids crave? Are you a busy mom with little time…

Wide Grip Vs Narrow Grip Bench Press | Fitness Lessons Learned Over 60

Wide Grip Vs Narrow Grip Bench Press | Fitness Lessons Learned Over 60

Ways to a Healthier You Don’t you wish you could be healthier? In today’s day in age, there are too many fab diets out there and health kicks. One day…

How To Lose Fat AFTER 50 (Here's How Many Calories To Eat!)

How To Lose Fat AFTER 50 (Here’s How Many Calories To Eat!)

Food That Will Boost Your Energy Levels There are many reasons why you might be feeling low energy; poor diet, not enough exercise, a medical condition, or even a combination…

How Hard Should I Push Myself When Working Out AFTER 50?

How Hard Should I Push Myself When Working Out AFTER 50?

Healthy Foods For Best Brain Health: Whole Grains, Green Leafy Vegetables And Fruits The formula that improves brain health is the same as that for the body. There is nothing…

5 BEST Weight Training Tips If You're Over 60 Years Old

5 BEST Weight Training Tips If You’re Over 60 Years Old

Blood Sugar Effects of Exercise And Pirates! Learn the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, as well as refined vs. unrefined, and what effect they have on your blood sugar…