FIT OVER 60! | My Complete Fitness Platform at 62 Years Old

FIT OVER 60! | My Complete Fitness Platform at 62 Years Old

What Is the Nutritional Value of Sweet Potato? Find out what the nutritional value of sweet potato is, a popular vegetable eaten in homes and restaurants across the world. From…

6 Years of Sobriety and the 60 Plus Fitness Journey continues!

6 Years of Sobriety and the 60 Plus Fitness Journey continues!

More Muscle Over 60 | Physique Update at 62 and 1 Year Comparison

More Muscle Over 60 | Physique Update at 62 and 1 Year Comparison

9 Common Myths About Your Digestive Health With so many opinions out there on how to take care of your digestive system, it’s no wonder you end up confused and…

1000 Subscribers! | Thank You All So Very Much!

1000 Subscribers! | Thank You All So Very Much!

Wake Up, America! Your Breakfast (And Every Other Meal) Is Full Of Chemicals! With the rate of illness skyrocketing in America, this article sets out to uncover the causes driving…

Fitness Over 60 | What I've Learned (So Far)

Fitness Over 60 | What I’ve Learned (So Far)

Superfoods That Enhance Your Life Superfoods can significantly improve your health, energy levels, and immune system. They are a great alternative to today’s poor diet habits, fast foods, and processed…