The Secret To Big Arms (AFTER 50!)
Does Gluten Make You Fat? What is gluten? How does it affect your body? Does gluten make you fat? Is it bad for you? Gluten is a protein found in…
Over 60 Deadlift PR and Awesome Leg Workout!
Three Messages for National Nutrition Month Happy National Nutrition Month! Yes, that time of the year is here again. Naturally it seems appropriate to write on the topic, so earlier…
Should You AVOID Cardio When Building Muscle? (Here’s The TRUTH!)
Spring Forward With Fruits and Vegetables Now that you’ve finished up the big meal from the Spring holiday, let’s get the folks who strayed from their best laid “healthy” eating…
My Favorite Chest and Triceps Workout | Never too old to get stronger!
Has Your Food Been Irradiated? You may have heard that ‘going organic’ is a healthy choice for the farmers, the environment, and your own health. But do you really understand…
Leg Workout With Bad Knees (Strength Train WITHOUT The Pain!)
Suggestions for Deciding How Many Meals to Eat Each Day Is there a true or proven way to know how many times a day you should eat? More than likely…
How To Check Testosterone Levels From Home (Try This!)
Pure Sidr Honey Brings You Amazing Medical Benefits Adding pure sidr honey is an ideal option to get rid of various health problems like heart disease, cancer (certain types) and…
Super Shoulder Workout | 61 Year Old’s Shoulder Workout
Confirmed, Red Meat Unhealthy? Red meat consumption for humans is a controversial topic among many medical professionals. Some believe red meat to be healthful while others maintain that red meat…
BEST Home Chest Workout For Beginners (NO EQUIPMENT!)
The Proven Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Coconut oil is increasing in popularity throughout the world. You may be wondering what this product has that makes it a firm favourite…