Does Eating Oatmeal Benefit Your Health?
Oatmeal is the staple of many a bodybuilder’s and athlete’s diet, and you’ve probably heard a lot of good things about them, although aren’t sure yet what these benefits are. I will tell you.
Why Do I Get Fat After I Eat?Food is something we just can’t avoid, even if it might sound like a tempting idea sometimes (but a highly bad one I should add). It’s therefore a good idea to understand exactly what kind of effect it has on our body, particularly if you regularly monitor your weight and like to take care of your body.
Am I Eating Enough Protein?So you are curious whether you are consuming enough protein in your diet to keep your organism healthy and/or achieve a specific goal that you have in mind. This article will tell you exactly what you need to know.
What on Earth Is the Big Deal About Alkaline Diets?Have you heard of the Alkaline Diet? Have you ever saw the term “alkaline water” and associated it one way or another with batteries? Don’t fret! This article will provide you with the ABC’s and 123’s of an alkaline diet consists of as well as the benefits.
How to Prepare Broccoli Your Kids Will EatEverybody should be eating broccoli because it’s healthy in so many ways. But what if your kid “doesn’t like it?” Here’s advice on how to overcome this hurdle.
The Hunza Nation – Living Long Healthy Lives At High AltitudesThe Hunza nation, living at 9000 feet in the Himalayas, has been studied for many years to find out the secrets of their health and longevity. It is not uncommon for them to live well beyond 100 years up into the 120’s. Some have lived pass 140 years old. Men have fathered children in their 90’s. They have practically no disease among them. In 1921, a British physician presented a report after seven years of studying the Hunzas, and determined that they were a simple people with pure nutrition, pure water, no toxins, daily exercise, fresh air, sunshine, rest and lived stress free lives.
The Benefits of Protein Consumption In Building MuscleAdequate protein consumption is necessary for muscle growth. The amount of protein needed for muscle growth is different for everyone as some need a little amount of protein whereas others need a larger amount.
3 Great Fitness AppsThere are thousands of health and fitness apps available for your smartphone or tablet. Anyone can use an app to get in shape or keep you motivated, but there are three apps that go above and beyond.
Top 5 Little-Known Remedies for Abdominal BloatingAbdominal bloating can be caused by a number of factors, notably, constipation, overeating, lactose intolerance, difficulty in passing bowels; irritable bowel syndrome, etc. In this article I will discuss some of the most effective remedies for stomach bloating!
The Truth About Macro PatterningThere are all kinds of ideas and theories out there about how you should be eating to lose weight. Diets ranging from Weight Watchers, to the Whole Food Diet, to the Paleo Diet, and everything in between all have their own guidelines for how you should be eating to lose those unwanted pounds. One of the latest ideas on the market today is a concept called ‘macro-patterning.
Why Peach Juice Can Give You DiarrheaFind out why delicious fruit juices such as peach juice, can cause you, or your baby, diarrhea. An explanation as to the health benefits, and calories surrounding both peaches and peach juice.
Healthy Sugar – Is There Really Such A Thing?Although some sugars can be healthier than other sugars, in moderation, added sugar is still added sugar, whether it’s a “healthy sugar” or not. Don’t let some of the healthier sounding names of these “healthy sugars” fool you into believing that it to less harmful added sugar.