60 Plus Fitness! This 61 Year Old’s Fitness Strategy. (Stay Strong and Lean!)

Make the Most of Your Local Playground This Summer With These Great Exercises

The days are warm and light now and there’s no doubt the kids will be pleading to visit the playground more often. Even if you don’t have kids, there is bound to be a playground near you that provides a FREE fitness solution for kids and adults alike.

Deadlifts for Big Muscle Mass

Do you want to get bigger? Is your goal to gain more muscle mass? If yes, the solution for your current workout routine is to incorporate deadlifts. Deadlifting is one of the best compound movements to add to your muscle building arsenal of exercises.

Barbell Squats: The Ultimate Calorie Burner

When it comes to lower body exercises, the barbell squat is one of the most effective exercises to burn fat and build muscle. Not only does it work your lower body but your upper body as well so it can be considered a total body exercise. While your lower body does most of the work, your upper body stabilizes the weight. Doing squats whether its with a loaded barbell, on a wall or just with your body weight is beneficial either way.

Bench Pressing for Strength Gains

One of the top most beneficial exercises for upper body strength is the renowned bench press. Commonly done on a flat bench, it uses all the muscles such as the chest, triceps, shoulders, biceps, forearms and even your back. When you really think about it, it can be considered a full body exercise because where you position your feet determines level of stability.

How To Lose Upper Body Fat?

Health is surely the best kind of wealth, it is best to take care of it. For that here you will find some of the best tips to learn how to lose upper body fat?

Spartan 300 – A Powerful Workout

A workout that will challenge both your cardio endurance and weightlifting strength. People that attempt this workout must push themselves to finish the entire lift. Only the best will survive!

HIIT: The Missing Link In Your Workouts

Have you been working out for a while but feel like you’re not getting anywhere? Intensity may be your missing link. Intensity, or the amount of energy expended when working out, can often play a major role in whether or not you’re achieving your fitness and weight loss goals. HIIT training may help you achieve your goals by challenging your body in a different way and increasing your calorie burn both during your workout and after your workout.

Stepping Into the Gym

When it comes to working out and lifting weights, it generally doesn’t take a happy person to get in the gym. In the time that I have trained, the best motivation I have used is channeling negative energy through the use of exertion through the weights. When you hear about the benefits of exercise and how it can be stress relief, this is generally true if you train hard enough.

Letting Your Body Recover From a Hard Workout

Exercising isn’t effective unless it puts you through your paces. A strenuous exercise schedule will have a tremendous impact on the condition of your body. There’s a reason why professional athletes have to deal with their body breaking down later on in their career. The human body can only take so much abuse. You would think that doing something good for your body would make it last longer.

Improve Your Grip, Improve Your Confidence

Whether you climb rock, ride motorcycle, practice martial arts or do lots of glad handing having a better grip will increase your ability to perform and improve your confidence. Most will agree that a quality grip is a benefit in life, yet very few take the time to train effectively to improve their grip. In fact, aside from breath control/work, grip training is possibly the most neglected area of training.

7 Benefits of Flexing Your Muscles Daily

Our body quite remarkably functions just like a machine. Just like any piece of mechanical equipment it needs to be maintained from time to time. Physical exercise, for instance, is a huge part of how our physique shapes up. Whether you lift heavy weights in cardio exercises or practice traditional yoga, it’s completely your choice. But doing nothing is unacceptable when you consider that people hardly are subjected to physical labour these days.

Exercise and Balanced Diet for a Healthy Life

This article is about the significance of regular exercise along with healthy eating habits. Exercise and nutrition are equally important to maintain a balance in life.

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