60 Plus Fitness! Old Guy Doing Pull Ups. 61 Year Old’s last set of Pull Ups for the day.

How Long Must I Work to Get a 6-Pack?

Completing the 8-week 6-pack abdominal 5-day exercise program, maximizes your fat loss and muscle tone for excellent abdominal muscles. Since you can not show muscles hidden under fat, the first step is conditioning. The next step is to tighten your body and build your muscles. Follow this guide for a 6-pack barbell exercise.

Exercises and Workouts – Frequently Asked Questions About Using Branched Chain Amino Acids

By now you have likely heard eating sufficient protein during the day and especially after your workout session, is vitally important if you hope to see optimal results with your eating plan. Every time you hit the gym, you are breaking your muscle tissues down, so it becomes crucial you are doing whatever you can to build these muscle tissues up again. But what about branched chain amino acids (BCAAs)? Should you be using those during, or before, or after the session? How do they fit into the picture? And do they contain calories?

How To Get A Bigger Butt by Exercising

There is a lot of ways to increase your butt size! without plastic surgery. If you follow these simple steps you will have a butt in no time.

The Awesome Benefits of Single Limb Body-Weight Exercise

Learn all about the benefits of single limb body-weight exercise in your training. How they can positively effect both your performance and your physique in surprising ways.

Exercises and Workouts – Four Great Cable Moves To Include In Your Workout

If you are hoping to maximize the results you get from your workout session, it is imperative you add cables to the mix. The reason cables are so beneficial is because they help you maintain a constant level of tension in the muscle at all times. As a result, the overall time under tension is increased: this is an important metric that goes into determining the degree of results you will see. Which cable exercises are best? Let us take a closer look at four of the best cable moves you will want to add to your session next time you are in the gym.

Exercises and Workouts – How You Can Ease Your Gym Fear

Want to get into better shape but not feeling so great about the idea of going to a public gym? Sadly, many people have a level of gym fear. They worry what others think of them and how they look, or worry they will not know how to use the equipment properly. Whatever the case, it is important you can get past gym fear because there are many benefits to be had from taking part in public gym workouts. You simply will not get the equipment options at home. Therefore, your results can be slower.So how can you ease your gym fear?

Practicing Good Gym and Fitness Center Etiquette

Every year, it seems that more and more people are making their New Year’s resolution to get healthy, slim down, lose weight and start exercising. Because of this, gyms and fitness centers tend to be more crowded in the first quarter of each year and sometimes overcrowding can bring with it unexpected negative feelings and anxiety as this “newbies” engage in their new fitness routine, many not aware that there is proper gym etiquette. Let’s take a close look and explain.

Weight Loss – When Should You Take a Break From Your Diet?

It may seem contradictory to hear you should take a break from your weight loss diet. But an important distinction must be made. First, you must ask yourself how long it has been since you started dieting. If the answer is several months, you may be due for a break for reasons we are about to discuss. If you have just started to lose weight recently for health reasons, then everything you are about to read will not be immediately relevant to you. But at some point in time, it will. Revisit these ideas when you hit an inevitable plateau or when you have been dieting for longer than six months.

Exercises and Workouts – Have You Been Training Regularly and Want to Take Your Workout Up a Notch?

If you are someone who is interested in getting started in a running program, one term you may come across at some point or another is Fartlek training. What is this training and why does it benefit you? Let’s go over a few things you will want to know as you get started.

Cardio Exercises – Perform at the Beginning or End of Your Weight Training Session?

Should cardio be performed “before” a weight training session or “after?” It all depends on what a person is attempting to gain and the goal they have set for their workout. Either way, cardio should always be included as a part of a successful and productive exercise program.

Why Exercise? Here’s Why

So many people need a reason to exercise. This article will look at the top 5 reason to start. You don’t need to invest in a lot of time or money to see results. We just need to get ourselves moving.

Body-Weight Rocks

Okay, so we’ve all heard that to get a great body you need to go to the gym and lift weights. However you don’t have to lift weights or go to a gym to get a great body at all, you can build an amazing physique with nothing but body-weight exercises.

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